1. Entrepreneur

Youtap Indonesia, Application for Managing Various Businesses for MSMEs

Get to know what Youtap is and the products it offers for MSMEs.

Managing a business today is not a serious problem. The existence of sales assistant applications such as Youtap makes it possible MSMEs manage your business easier, even raise your business level.

What is Youtap? And what does Youtap offer to help MSMEs manage their business? Check out the following information.

What is YouTube?



Youtap Indonesia is a sales assistant that offers various digital service solutions to make it easier for business people to carry out their daily business activities. Business activities here are all activities ranging from receiving transactions to bookkeeping.

Youtap also does not only offer solutions to certain types of SMEs, but also to all types of SMEs, from stalls to businesses fashion, F&B ventures, and more. In addition, Youtap also has its own services for large-scale businesses and companies.

For small and medium scale businesses, Youtap provides several solutions or products that can be used as digital cashiers, sales analysis, to program development loyalty for customers. These products include business applications, business tablets, business portals, and SNAP by Youtap.

Business Application



The Youtap Indonesia business application is the main product offered by Youtap to MSME players like you. Youtap Indonesia is available in the form of a mobile application that can be downloaded at PlayStore and AppStore.

In the YouTap business application, you can enjoy the features digital cashier, payment via QRIS, print receipts, to digital calculators.

Business Tablets



Apart from the application form mobile devices, Youtap also presents a product in the form of a POS application that supports various features. One of them is the product catalog feature or E-Menu which is very suitable for businesses engaged in the F&B field. In addition, there is also a payment feature cashless, price and tax adjustments, to sales reports.

Business Portal



In addition to -based applications mobile devices, Youtap Indonesia also offers a business portal based on websites where you can access and get analysis sales report You. To use this product from Youtap, you can activate it HERE.

SNAP byYouTube



The fourth Youtap product for MSMEs is SNAP by Youtap. SNAP by Youtap is a service that you can use if you want to program loyalty for customer You. If interested, you can check the terms and conditions of the SNAP by Youtap service HERE.

Well, that's a brief information about what Youtap is and its products that can support the management of all types of your business. Also watch the video introduction Youtap below is an offering from YoutapID.

Youtap Indonesia - Introductory Videos


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