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Ethics: Definition, Function, Benefits and Examples

This shows how ethics can be a valuable asset in any professional environment, from medicine to law, accounting, and human resource management.

Ethics is not just a word that we often hear in everyday conversations or find in textbooks. More than that, ethics are basic principles that guide us in distinguishing between right and wrong, good and bad in all situations and decisions we face. 

In this world full of choices and dilemmas, ethics is like a compass that helps us navigate everyday life, both in the personal and professional spheres. With a good understanding of ethics, we can foster more harmonious relationships with others, make responsible decisions, and contribute to the development of a just and sustainable society.

Through this article, we will explore various aspects of ethics, why they are important, and how we can apply them in our daily lives to create a better world for all.

Understanding Ethics

However, what exactly is ethics? In its most basic sense, ethics is the study of what is considered good and bad behavior. It includes a set of norms, values, and standards that individuals or groups use to judge actions and decisions. 

Ethics reflects thoughts about justice, equality, honesty and mutual prosperity. In today's digital era, understanding ethics is becoming increasingly important as the complexity of issues such as online privacy, data security, and ethics in artificial intelligence increases. 

Ethics, as a profound branch of philosophy, explores the moral principles and values ​​that govern human behavior. With roots stretching from ancient to modern philosophical thought, ethics aims to guide individuals and society in distinguishing between right and wrong, good and bad, and provides a framework for responsible moral decision-making.

Understanding Ethics According to Experts

Ethics is a branch of philosophy that is concerned with thinking about what is good and bad, as well as moral principles that regulate human behavior in society. Many experts have provided their definitions and views on ethics. The following are several definitions of ethics according to experts:


As one of the most influential ancient philosophers, Aristotle defined ethics as the science of good living and right action. According to him, the main goal of ethics is to achieve happiness through the practice of virtue.

Immanuel Kant

This German philosopher defined ethics in terms of moral obligations and universal principles. According to Kant, ethical actions are actions carried out based on obligations and can be used as universal principles for everyone.

John Stuart Mill

As a utilitarian, Mill defined ethics based on the principle of usefulness or utility. For Mill, ethical action is the action that produces the greatest happiness for the greatest number of people.

Alasdair MacIntyre

In MacIntyre's view, ethics is closely related to tradition and community. He defines ethics as a discipline that studies the way humans live in seeking the common good in the context of a particular moral tradition.


Even though he did not leave any writings, Socrates' thoughts, known through Plato, emphasized the importance of knowledge in understanding virtue. For Socrates, a correct understanding of what is good is a prerequisite for ethical action.

Friedrich Nietzsche

Nietzsche views ethics from the perspective of a critique of traditional moral values. He argued that ethics should break away from universal principles and focus more on the individual and his creative powers.


This ancient Chinese philosopher emphasized the importance of morality, etiquette, and virtue in human relationships. For Confucius, ethics is the practice of virtue in everyday life which is centered on the concepts of ren (compassion) and li (etiquette).

In Indonesia, thinking about ethics has also been developed by academics and experts who provide unique perspectives based on local social, cultural and religious contexts. Some of them are:

Prof. Dr. Notonegoro

He is one of the Indonesian philosophers who is famous for his thoughts on values. According to Notonegoro, ethics (which he calls moral axiology) is related to good values ​​that must be used as guidelines for action. He divided values ​​into three, namely the value of truth (logical), the value of beauty (aesthetic), and the value of goodness (ethical), where the value of goodness is the focus in ethics.

Prof. Dr. Koentjaraningrat

As a leading anthropologist from Indonesia, Koentjaraningrat does not explicitly define ethics in his work, but he provides a deep understanding of behavior and social norms in various Indonesian societies. His work shows how ethics and morality are formed and operate in specific cultural contexts.

Dr. M. Amin Abdullah

Known as a thinker and academic in the field of Islamic studies, Amin Abdullah said that ethics in the Indonesian context, especially in Islamic studies, is not just a norm or code of behavior, but is also part of a knowledge process that is integral to epistemology and ontology. For him, ethics is closely related to the understanding and practice of religion in life.

Definitions of ethics vary depending on philosophical perspective, culture, and the historical context in which it is discussed. However, in general, ethics focuses on questions about what is right, what is wrong, and how we should act in various life situations.

Characteristics of Ethics


Ethics is normative, meaning it relates to norms or standards of behavior that are considered good or bad, right or wrong. Ethics not only describes how humans act but also how humans should act.


Ethical principles are often considered to be universal, applying to everyone, although their application can vary depending on cultural and situational context.


Ethics requires deep reflection and consideration of the values, goals, and consequences of our actions. This means questioning and evaluating the reasons behind norms and behavior.


Ethics is closely related to our daily practices and the decisions we make. It provides guidance and framework for making moral decisions.

image: jason goodman /unsplash

Various Ethics

Normative Ethics

Presents standards and rules about what should be done. These include deontological ethics (focus on rules), utilitarianism ethics (focus on consequences), and virtue ethics (focus on character).

Applied Ethics

Application of normative ethical principles to specific practical situations, such as in business (business ethics), medicine (medical ethics), technology (technological ethics), and the environment (environmental ethics).


Examining the origins, meaning, and nature of ethical claims. It focuses on the analysis of language, concepts, and methodology in ethics.

Descriptive Ethics

The study of human moral behavior and value systems in society. It seeks to understand how people act and what they consider to be moral norms without passing judgment on whether they are good or bad.

Ethics Function

Provide Guidance

Ethics provides guidance on how to act correctly and fairly in various situations, helping individuals make responsible decisions.

Increasing Moral Awareness

Through ethical reflection, individuals become more aware of the moral implications of their actions and the importance of acting in an ethical manner.

Building Trust and Collaboration

In social and professional contexts, ethics helps build trust and cooperation between individuals and groups, which are essential for harmonious social functioning.

Protecting Society

By establishing standards of behavior, ethics contributes to the protection and well-being of society, preventing harmful behavior and promoting social justice.

Encourage Self-Reflection

Ethics encourage individuals to reflect on their values, beliefs, and goals, facilitating personal growth and character development.

As such, ethics play a crucial role in human life, helping shape the way we interact with each other and make decisions that affect ourselves and others.

Ethics Goals

Defining Good and Bad

Ethics aims to define what is considered good and bad action in society, providing clear moral standards.

Guiding Behavior

The main goal of ethics is to guide individuals in making ethical decisions, directing them to act in a right and just manner.

Facilitating Moral Decisions

Ethics aims to provide a framework for individuals and organizations in dealing with moral dilemmas, assisting them in making appropriate and responsible decisions.

Improving General Welfare

Through the promotion of ethical behavior, ethics aims to improve the overall well-being and happiness of society.

Benefits of Ethics

Strengthening Social Relationships

Ethics strengthens social relationships by promoting mutual respect, trust, and cooperation between individuals and groups.

Increasing Public Trust

In business and professional contexts, ethics increases public trust in institutions and organizations through transparent and responsible behavior.

Encourages Personal Growth

Ethics encourages self-reflection and personal growth, helping individuals become more aware of their values ​​and moral principles.

Prevent Conflict

By establishing norms of accepted behavior, ethics helps prevent conflict and facilitates fair and effective conflict resolution.


Ethics helps individuals make responsible choices and consider both the impact on themselves and others.

Character Development

Practicing ethics in everyday life helps build strong character, including honesty, responsibility, and determination.

Ethics Function

Conduct Guide

The main function of ethics is to serve as a guide to behavior, providing direction on how to act in different situations.

Community Development

Ethics functions for the development of a just and harmonious society, promoting standards of behavior that support social justice and the common good.

Protection against Abuse of Power

Ethics serves to protect individuals and society from abuse of power, ensuring that power is used in a responsible manner and for the common good.

Building Credibility and Reputation

In a professional context, ethics serves to build credibility and good reputation, which is essential for long-term success and sustainability.

Overall, the goals, benefits, and functions of ethics are intertwined in efforts to improve the quality of human interactions, promote justice, and ensure that individual and collective actions support the common good.

Examples of Ethics

Examples of Ethics in Professional Life


In professions such as medicine and law, maintaining the confidentiality of client information is a key ethical principle. For example, doctors may not divulge patient medical information without consent.


An accountant must carry out his duties with integrity, ensuring that financial reports are prepared accurately and in accordance with applicable accounting standards.


In human Resource Management, justice means treating all employees fairly and objectively, including in recruitment, promotions and salaries.

Examples of Ethics in Everyday Life


Returning a found wallet to its owner is an ethical act that reflects honesty and integrity.


Admitting mistakes and trying to correct them, rather than blaming others, shows ethical responsibility.


Listening patiently while others speak, without interrupting or condescending, is an example of respectful behavior.

In both the profession and everyday life, ethics serves as a moral compass that guides our behavior, ensuring we act in ways that support justice, goodness and the common good.


In a professional context, ethics plays a vital role in building trust, enhancing reputation, minimizing conflict, and improving performance. Ethical practices such as maintaining confidentiality, operating with integrity, and treating all parties with fairness not only strengthen working relationships but also affirm commitment to high moral standards. 

Outside the work environment, ethics influences daily life through building character, strengthening relationships, and establishing a more just and empathetic society. Practices such as honesty in returning found items, responsibility in admitting mistakes, and respect in daily interactions not only enrich social interactions but also help in the formation of more responsible and caring individuals.

Through a comprehensive discussion, it can be concluded that ethics is an essential foundation for harmonious social functioning and personal development. By practicing ethics, both professionally and personally, we not only improve the quality of our own lives but also contribute to prosperity and justice in society. 

In an increasingly complex and interconnected world, the importance of ethics cannot be overstated, highlighting the importance of education and ongoing dialogue about ethical values ​​in various aspects of life.

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