1. Entrepreneur

Tutorial for Adding Products to the OrderOnline.id Service

Shopping online has become the main pillar in accelerating business growth and Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs). Online product marketing can be done via e-commerce, social media, and web-based platforms.

This then allows businesses and MSMEs to expand their market coverage by reaching consumers throughout the world who were previously difficult to reach conventionally. So, shop online not only provides transaction facilities, but also becomes a strategic foundation for the growth and expansion of MSME businesses in this digital era.

Even so, there are still several challenges that must be faced when carrying out the buying and selling transaction process online. One of the difficulties that is often faced is related to the process of making products in the digital market. Product presentation requires special attention so that the goods being sold can be displayed informatively and attractively on digital platforms.

Responding to this challenge, OrderOnline.id present as the latest solution. By using this service, business people can easily create their products and present them attractively. In this way, MSME players can not only build a presence online efficiency, but also improve the quality of the shopping experience for their consumers.

So, how do you create a product on OrderOnline.id?

Check out the steps below.

  • Login to your OrderOnline.id account.
  • Click "Add Product".
  • After that, the page will be directed to the "Product Editor" section.
  • On this page, there are left and right sections. The left part displays product data, while the right part displays preview checkout page verses desktop with and
  • Fill in product data correctly and completely.
  • In the Product Status section, select "Live" so that the product can be marketed.
  • Enter a product image.
  • In the Pricing section, determine the product price and discount. Product prices are divided into two, namely Simple and Variable. Select Simple if there is only one price type. If there are several price options, select Variable.
  • In the Inventory section, fill in the product stock.
  • In the Bump section, enter another product if you want to create a product pair.
  • In the Shipping section, enter the product weight and complete shipping data.
  • Determine the payment method.
  • In the Unique Code section, enter a unique code which functions as a marker to make payment easier.
  • In the Reseller section, check check box if the seller wants to activate reseller for the products sold.
  • The Assign Product section can be used if available team members other than sellers.
  • When all sections have been filled in, click "Next".
  • The product has been created and the process can continue to create the Checkout Page and Success Page.

By following these steps, MSMEs and business owners online can create products quickly and efficiently at OrderOnline.id. This process not only makes it easier to present product information in an attractive manner on digital platforms, but also opens up opportunities to improve the quality of consumers' shopping experience.


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