1. Startups

Startup Investment Forecast in the Year of the Fire Rooster

Gather insights and be prepared to provide and raise funding strategically.

2016 has shown its good attitude to the scene startup Homeland. Based on Indonesia's Tech Startup Report 2016, there are at least four special notes that can be carefully reviewed.

This annual report compiled by DailySocial shows that the realm of E-commerce and fintech still competing as a field tech startups with the most investment, at 21% and 20%, respectively. That was the first fact which was then followed by the second fact that fintech is predicted to be the most popular sector in 2017.

Third note, 40% of investment startup 2016 is for startup early stage (seed) while 24% is intended for startup who have reached the Series A stage.

Unfortunately, following the facts above, the fourth note from annual report DailySocial is about the lack of talent and access to funding which is projected to still 'haunt' tech startups in 2017.

These challenges can be turned into opportunities by actors startup, as long as they can comprehensively understand what has happened and will happen to the startup technology business ecosystem in Indonesia.

Go-Jek, for example. Startups which has acquired four Indian technology companies has set its own standards in taking advantage of these opportunities, finally managed to raise $550 million in funding and officially become unicorn startup first in Indonesia.

What are the right steps to achieve the opportunity to get funding? is pintu to get a degree unicorn like Go-Jek is still wide open in the year of the Fire Rooster? Answering questions like this, Mandiri Capital Indonesia (MCI), Metra Digital Innovation (MDI), and DailySocial.id took the initiative to hold DigiTalks which this time takes the theme Investment Trends in 2017.

DigiTalks: Investment Trends in 2017 / DailySocial

panel discussion DigiTalks on this occasion will invite the startup owner/founder, revenue officer, business development officer, and those who want to get involved in the body tech startups to get to know and discuss the funding landscape in 2017 with industry observers and venture capitalist, including Raditya Pramana (Investment manager Venturra Capital) Antony Liem (CEO Merah Putih Incubator), and Amir Karimuddin (Editor-in-chief DailySocial Business), which will be moderated by Aldi Adrian Hartanto (Head of Investments Mandiri Capital Indonesia).

DigiTalks which will be held on January 31, 2017 at the Mandiri Business Incubator, this will reveal stories that range from ecosystem issues startup Indonesia, funding, challenges and future tech entrepreneur, venture capitalistand startup children of the nation.

By registering for free at here, You will get insight so that the business will be more prestigious in the year of the Fire Rooster.


Disclosure: DigiTalks is a collaboration with Mandiri Capital Indonesia, Metra Digital Innovation, and DailySocial

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