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Skilvul Presents Online Programming Class, Offers "Income Share Agreement" System

Have a relationship with the Impact Byte bootcamp program

Impact Byte is known as provider bootcamp or training for programmer. Launched in 2017, they continue to make curriculum adjustments every 2 months, along with the rapid development of technology. Until finally at one point they decided to launch Skilvul. Still about learning coding or Programming, but the form is class online.

Skilvul was officially presented in April 2020. Conceptually, this service is predicted to be able to reach more people, because it is flexible and not limited to certain locations.

"We realized that the model bootcamp coding effective, but not efficient. Using face-to-face methods and physical classrooms, our solution is not scalable and cannot develop quickly in providing access to education skill digital to more people. Our solution is limited to physical location availability and mentor capacity (currently Impact Byte physical campuses are only in Jakarta and Batam)," explained Co-Founder and Chief of Product & Content. Skillvul Amanda Simanjuntak

Amanda admitted, they specifically targeted vocational and college students. The goal of course is to play a role in improving Indonesian human resources, especially in skills in the field of digital technology. By applying the learning method blended learning Skilvul not only provides materials online, but also provides direct guidance from existing mentors.

"In the first month, there were more than 4 users who joined Skilvul. Currently Skilvul is looking for funding so that it can develop and become a learning platform that advances the digital skills of the nation's children," explained Amanda.

Keep up with technological innovation

Skilvul is not the first to come as a course or learning platform coding in a manner online. Previously, there were Dicoding and Kode.id with a similar theme. Not to mention the coding classes available at Udemy, Udacity, and other MOOCs (Massive Open Online Courses).

However, the players present read their respective advantages. Coded for example, having multiple classes with "skill path" which have been adjusted and arranged neatly and various materials. As well Kode.id, is an innovation from Hacktiv8 which also focuses on skill development coding with the opportunity to be channeled to companies or startups that need workers developer.

To be able to stay competitive, Skilvul developed an IDE (Integrated Development Environment - application for software) technology coding) are integrated. They claim that the presence of this integration makes it easier for users to write code and solve problems presented in learning.

So far there are several classes or learning materials presented, including Basic HTML, Basic CSS, and Basic Javascript. However, several other classes such as learning Golang programming, Node.js, and others are already included in the plan to be launched soon. Not only that, Skilvul also provides an opportunity for its users to connect with job vacancies.

"Besides studying online coding Through the Skilvul platform, we also provide a space for students to meet directly with mentors, in order to gain maximum understanding. Due to the ongoing pandemic, Skilvul provides private study rooms with mentors on a regular basis online, which will be launched on September 7, 2020," explained Amanda.

Ready to work first, pay later

The presence of Skilvul will complement Impact Byte's programming learning ecosystem. Learning options are not only limited bootcamp, but also class online. To attract more students they also have an ISA or Income Share Agreement program. A program that is an agreement between students and educational institutions (in this case Impact Byte) that allows students' study bills to be paid later after students have managed to get a job and have their own salary. The model is a pay cut.

One of the programs being promoted is the "Ready to Work First Pay Later" program. This program allows participants bootcamp directly connected with 150 Skilvul partners. Amanda claims, so far they already have 200 Web Developer that have been transferred to the world of work.

"Participants can join this program by choosing the regular route, or Sia Work First pay Later, where participants can join the program and pay the program fees after work. This program is also known as ISA," explained Amanda.

Amanda added that she hopes that in the future Skilvul will be the answer for young people's learning in Indonesia, as well as bringing many young people to be more literate with technological developments so that they can contribute to building Indonesia through digital innovation.

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"Impact Byte is still bootstrapping and profitable, so we can produce Skilvul through Impact Byte. However, we are currently seeking funding for the development of Skilvul so that it can become a work-ready digital skill learning platform that reaches all of Indonesia,"

The ISA program itself has begun to be widely applied to school or course financing models. Previous ISA program too adopted by Hacktiv8 post-earned pre-series A funding early last year.


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