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Understanding the Brand Awareness Pyramid, Makes Brands More Known

An explanation of the four levels of the brand awareness pyramid that are useful in the world of marketing

When you talk about bottled mineral water, instant noodles, and toothpaste, what is the first brand that comes to your mind? The brand is certainly the brand that you remember the most, it could be because you often see or hear it.

In the world marketing, there is the term brand awareness or brand awareness. Brand awareness is a person's ability to recognize and identify a brand in relation to a particular category. In short, brand awareness is a person's awareness of a brand, usually can occur spontaneously. Brand awareness is one of the marketing objectives because it plays an important role in purchasing decisions. When a person needs an item, the first brand that comes to mind becomes the product he is likely to buy.

Brand awareness has four levels listed in the pyramid. The brand awareness pyramid shows the levels from lowest to highest, starting from unaware of brands, brand recognition, brand recallsand top of mind.

To find out the explanation of each level, see the explanation below.

Unaware of Brand (Not Recognizing Brand)

Unaware of brand is the lowest level in the pyramid, which means it is the lowest stage in brand awareness. In this stage, a person is completely unaware and does not recognize a brand.

Usually, this stage is experienced by emerging brands so that people are not familiar. Therefore, a marketing strategy is needed so that a brand can rise to the next level in the brand awareness pyramid.

Brand Recognition (Brand Recognition)

The next level is brand recognition, which is a condition in which a person is able to recognize a brand with the help ofaided recall) in the form of advertisements, logos, and others. In other words, at this stage a person will be able to recognize a brand when there are clues.

Brand recognition is a minimal level of brand awareness. Thus, a brand must be able to continue to increase public awareness of its brand.

Brand Recall

Go to the next level, namely brand recall. Brand recall occurs when a person can remember a brand without any help (unided recall).

For example when talking about a product category, one can mention five different brands. The second brand and so on are brands that are included in the brand recall level.

Top of Mind

The top level in the brand awareness pyramid, as well as the goal of all brands, is top of mind. Top of mind is a brand that occupies the top of a person's mind, where someone will remember a brand spontaneously in a certain product category.

For example, when you want to buy milk, the first brand that comes to your mind is your top of mind in the milk category. Brands that manage to become top of mind tend to have a greater chance of winning the market. Thus, all brands are vying to be top of mind.

That was a brief explanation of the brand awareness pyramid that you need to understand, especially if you work in the marketing field. Building brand awareness is not easy and can be done quickly, it takes consistency and repetition so that a brand can stick in the minds of consumers.

Especially at this time the market competition is very tight. It takes an attractive marketing strategy, according to trends, and optimally in reaching the target market.

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