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What is Product Design? Definition, Purpose, Types and Functions in Business

If you want to make a product, then you have to know what product design is. The following are definitions, objectives, and types of product designs.

Product design is the process of planning and creating a product or service that meets user needs and provides value to the market.

Therefore, product design is an important component in making a product, including digital products.

Your product design will determine whether users like and enjoy using it. Design can make a good product great, but bad design can ruin even the most promising idea.

The goal of product design is to create something that people will be interested in using and wanting to buy.

Check out the following explanation regarding product design in detail.

Definition of Product Design

Product design is the process of conceptualizing, specifying, and documenting a type of product. It also involves market research, determining the right target audience and then creating a product that is useful, usable and desirable.

Product design can also be done by brainstorming. It aims to generate ideas and concepts and ultimately develop a final physical product that meets specific needs and communicates through its design.

A good design must appear stable and durable but also be affordable for mass production both in terms of production costs and provide a positive return on investment for the companies that produce it.

So, what are the specific product design goals?

Product Design Goals

The main goal of product design is to create something that people want. You have to consider the user, their goals, and their context, then design the product to work well for them.

Product design also ensures a prettier appearance, so you can double or even triple the price of the product and can increase their profits.

Product design also has various types that you need to know, what are the types?

Product Design Type

In the world of product design, there are three different types of designs, viz system design, process design, and interface design.

These three types of design help ensure that your product is safe to use and that everyone who uses it understands how it works.

The following is a further explanation of the types of product design:

System design

System Design means focusing on the system in your product. This type includes selecting the materials used and how these materials work together in the system to provide unique performance and aesthetic characteristics.

It is ideal for designers who want to think about their products in context and plan how they work with their surroundings.

Process Design

Process Design is the series of steps that a company follows when creating a product.

This step gives the company a way to manage the development process and increase the likelihood of its product meeting customer needs.

UI Design

Interface Design refers to the way you interact with the product. As a designer, you need to consider many things before finalizing a design.

One of them is Interface Design, which determines the capability and efficiency of each user interface.

Thus a complete explanation of product design, hopefully this is useful.

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