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Podcasts Are: Definition, Types and Application Examples

Podcasts are one of the things that are loved by young people today.

In the past, people listened to the radio as a medium of information and entertainment. However, technological developments in this digital era are slowly shifting radio's position podcast.

Podcast itself is an audio recording that can be heard by everyone. Unlike radio, podcast most of them discuss a variety of diverse topics that are generally related to young people. Therefore, podcast become one of the things that are popular with young people today.

Then, what is it podcast and what kind? DailySocial.id will explain it to you in this article.

What is that Podcast?

In general, podcast interpreted as a voice recording from the host which contains discussion on a particular topic. Term podcast itself was originally an abbreviation of 'iPod' and 'Broadcast', where was podcast available for iPod users only.

However, many also think that the word 'pod' podcast is an abbreviation of 'play on demand,personal on demand' and 'portable on demand'. Whatever the abbreviation, podcast fixed means an audio recording that can be played at any time by the listener.

That's what makes the difference podcast with radio, where radio can only be heard at certain times. Temporary podcast can be listened to anytime without time limits and anywhere, whether on a cell phone, laptop or tablet computer.

Types Podcast

By type, podcast can be divided into three, namely:


As with most interviews, podcast interviews contains a conversation between several people. The guests act as resource persons who are interviewed on different topics according to the theme of each episode.

Solo Podcasts

Just like his name, solo podcasts is a type podcast which was delivered by one host in monologue. Solo podcasts usually contain topics about something that is currently viral, provide information about something, or read stories submitted by listeners.

Multi-Host Podcasts

If solo podcasts done by myself, then multi-hosted podcasts is a type podcast carried by several people at once. Podcast This type usually contains a discussion of a matter from several perspectives presented by each host.

Application Example Podcast


Spotify is not only present as a music streaming media, but is also used to share or listen to audio recordings podcast. Spotify itself is an application podcast the most widely used by the public.

There are various genres podcast that can be found on Spotify, ranging from comedy to politics to horror. Host that delivers podcast on Spotify also varies, from ordinary people to YouTubers, influencers, and even celebrities.


Soundcloud also provides a service podcast which is useful for the podcasts. Even though it has almost the same features as Spotify, Soundcloud has other advantages, especially in the export-import and features Web Hosting for podcasts which makes it easier for you to upload audio recordings without an application.

Google Podcast

Google Podcast is one of Google's service products specifically for playing and adding podcast. Not inferior to other streaming media, Google Podcasts also provides a variety of topics or genres podcast, from comedy to quite serious discussions.


Anchor is one such application podcast the most famous in Indonesia. This application allows its users to enjoy a variety of features related to podcast, such as recording, editing, giving background sound, to see insight from podcast that has been published on Spotify.

Well, that's a complete explanation of podcast. With more and more podcasts in Indonesia, are you interested in trying it?

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