1. DScovery

4 Effective Ways to Overcome Smartfren Signal Interference

Your Smartfren card has signal interference? Just look at the following method!

Signal interference usually does not look at the time or provider. How not, all providers must have experienced signal interference, even if only briefly. Especially if it's a nuisance signal happens during working hours, of course you will feel annoyed. One of them is the Smartfren provider.

Don't worry, the problem is with the provider's signal interference Smartphone of course it can be solved. In fact, you can do it easily and alone.

How to Overcome Smartphone Signal Interference

Signal interference usually occurs due to many factors. Not infrequently, due to signal interference, the internet connection becomes weak so that it becomes difficult to use. Here's a surefire way to overcome Smartfren signal interference.

Viewing Smartfren's Official Social Media Accounts

The first way, you can monitor by following the Smartfren account. Usually, you will get information through the official account. Can be via Twitter @smartfrenworld or Instagram @smartfrenworld. In addition, you can also make a complaint directly by sending a message or replying to one of the Smartfren account tweets.

Contacting the Call Center

The second way, you can contact the Smartfren call center. You can contact the Smartfren customer service phone number at the following number +62-21-50100000. Tell us about your complaint about signal interference, then your complaint will be processed by Smartfren customer service.

Switch Location

Well, maybe you experience signal interference because you are in a location that is difficult to catch the Smartfren provider signal. The solution, you can change locations to get more signal. No need to go far, just go outdoors, being outdoors allows you to get more signal.

Enable Airplane Mode

The last way, you can restart the network by activating airplane mode on your cellphone for a few minutes. If it's been activated, you can deactivate airplane mode again to capture network smartphone signal. Usually in this way, the signal that is captured will be much more than before.

More Coverage:

Well, here's an article on how to deal with Smartfren signal interference. You can overcome this by choosing the easiest way according to you. Hopefully the article above is useful for you, yes!

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