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How to Overcome a Hot Cellphone, You Need to Try!

Do you know how to deal with a hot cellphone? If not then this article is what you need now. Let's check more!

A hot cellphone cannot make the device work optimally. Therefore you need to know how to handle it so you don't get distracted during your activities. Using your cellphone for too long not only affects cellphone performance, but also makes your device heat up faster and reduces its resistance.

Rapid heating of the phone is one of the most common problems faced by smartphone users. This condition can be caused by many factors, including invalid cellphone specifications. To avoid this problem, you have to be aware of several cellphone brands that get hot easily to minimize this situation. This time, DailySocial.id will discuss how to deal with a hot cell phone. Check out the review below! 

Use Original Charger

When the cellphone charger is damaged, not a few buy fake chargers because the price is cheaper than the original charger. But who would have thought that the cellphone would actually heat up quickly. In addition, using a fake charger can damage the cellphone battery more quickly.

Always use the original charger to avoid phone damage and overheating problems. The price is a little more expensive, but the quality of the original cellphone charger is guaranteed. 

Reduce Simultaneous Opening of Applications

Reduce the use of concurrent applications. Because applications that are opened together can also cause the cellphone to heat up quickly and the cellphone battery runs out faster. 

Turn off Bluetooth and GPS when not in use

The next way to deal with a hot cellphone is to turn off Bluetooth and GPS when not in use. Bluetooth and GPS are two features that require an internet connection and high performance to activate. Enabling these two apps for a long time can cause your phone to heat up faster. Make sure to keep your phone cool and save battery power by turning off Bluetooth and GPS when you're not using them. 

Delete Junk Files Simultaneously

Clean unnecessary files on your phone. When you are lazy to clean up cellphone junk files, it can also affect cellphone performance and can cause the cellphone to heat up quickly. There are various types of junk files such as cache data and cookies that accumulate and cause the CPU and RAM performance of the cellphone to be less than optimal. In this mode, the cellphone battery heats up faster.

And you can also solve this problem by regularly and carefully deleting junk files so that you can use your phone without overheating. 

Check WiFi Settings and Usage

One of the most common causes of overheating on HP is sub-optimal settings and internet network usage. Continuous use of WiFi can cause your cellphone to heat up quickly. Because background programs also run automatically when the WLAN is active, which makes operating the phone difficult.

You can manage WiFi usage with the Smart Wifi app or Wifi Sleeper. This allows you to control when WiFi is turned on and when it is turned off when not in use. This application is a way to prevent the phone from overheating using WiFi. 

Rest your cellphone after streaming or playing games

Who wants to stream videos or play games on their phone? Watch out for this habit. Because this is also one of the reasons why the cellphone heats up quickly. Streaming and playing games requires a strong internet connection and uses HP power. As a result, the phone heats up faster and the battery runs out faster. Ideally, HP is only used for 1-2 hours for gaming or streaming. After that, let the cellphone sit for a while so that the HP GPU works normally again. This method cools down your phone and prevents it from overheating. 

Use the HP Cooling Application

Another effective way to prevent your phone from overheating while charging or for other reasons is to use a phone cooler app. Currently there are many applications that can be used to cool cellphones, such as Cooler Master, Cooling Master and Device Cooler. You can choose this method if you are lazy to do the manual method above.

A cellphone that heats up quickly doesn't only affect comfort, but also causes problems and damage to your cellphone. So use a cooling application so that your cellphone doesn't heat up quickly. 

Turn off Rarely Used Apps

In addition, the use of many applications can cause the phone to heat up quickly. You can prevent your phone from overheating and draining your battery by temporarily turning off or disabling apps that you rarely use. As a result, the processor works more easily without the need for lagging updates and applications that are rarely used.

Disable Widgets and Live Wallpapers

To make the phone more attractive, many users install widget apps. Moving wallpapers are also set in the background. In fact, this feature slows down the performance of your cellphone. Dealing with a hot phone temporarily disables widgets and live wallpapers. 

So, those are some ways to deal with hot cellphones so they don't break quickly. Of course, the dangers of a hot cell phone should not be underestimated. So follow the method above to protect your cellphone, okay! 

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