1. Startups

How Startups Do Marketing Activities

#Tuesdaystartup session with CMO Kumparan Andrias Ekoyuono

In edition #TuesdayStartup first in 2018, DailySocial invite CMO coil Andrias Ekoyuono to share experiences and good things startups do when launching marketing activities. The coil itself is a platform hybrid which brings together editorial-based content and community content (user-generated content), just launched in early 2017, and currently claims to have experienced very fast growth from the user side to revenue.

Andrias said that this media which is full of various information puts forward "people power" which is owned. Coil embarks on a journey to find new approaches and new patterns in modern journalism. The concept of social media is broadly adopted in user experience coil.

As a practitioner in the field of business marketing, Andrias sees that there are still many mistakes made by startups when carrying out marketing activities. Here are some important tips that startups must pay attention to when doing marketing activities.

Don't focus too much on consumer acquisition

Currently, there are still many habits to the point that the focus is still not right among startup owners when launching marketing activities. One of them is too focused on user acquisition. What needs to be considered from the start is the talent or team of the startup itself. Give more attention to relevant awards to them, so that the internal team feels happy and in the end feel at home working at startup.

"The task of a chief in startups is to build relationships with investors, maintain the company's vision and mission and last but not least is to get quality talent," said Andrias.

In this case, quality talent can be obtained through marketing activities during employee recruitment. Make these activities more special, with activities that are able to attract the attention of prospective startup employee candidates. Andrias recounted that in the coil he did not hesitate to provide a special place and activities that were supported by talkshow to entertainment to prospective employees during the recruitment process.

Thus, prospective employees who meet the criteria will feel happy and proud when they succeed in becoming employees, while those who do not succeed will get valuable impressions and experiences during the recruitment process. The point is to give more attention to employees and prospective employees, if the startup wants to have quality talent.

Don't do any marketing activities when the product is about to be launched

It is important for startups to be able to carry out marketing activities at the beginning, starting from promoting through social media, to forming customer base solid, so that when the product is ready to be launched, early adopters can directly use the product. For that, do online and offline marketing activities from the start and shape it customer base as much as possible.

Carry out adoption and the retention

These two activities are indeed interrelated, but what is important and must be done well is how startups can earn money repeat orders from customers or successfully get the retention. Ultimately all businesses want to be able to acquire lots of customers upfront, but the ideal revenue is when loyal customers can be obtained, through early adoption.

Avoid using the term "market education" when startups start customer acquisition. In the end, the term is only an excuse that startups are unable to provide relevant and easy information to the target market, and it can also be defined that the market is not ready with the existing products.

Branding is story telling

The meaning of the term is how startups can provide complete information to the target market. Is it by prioritizing advantages that other startups don't have, or more benefits that can be obtained by users when using products from these startups. Avoid integrating digital marketing activities as part of story telling The.

There are three types of customers that startups must pay attention to, including the types of customers who talk about your startup products, customers who promote products, to customers who help startups sell these products (referral). Take the right approach to each of these customers. Although it cannot be done directly to all, but with the priorities that have been set by the startup, the process can be carried out in order to get satisfactory results.

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