1. Entrepreneur

Get to know how dropshipping works, do business without capital

Doing dropshipping by building a business without storing stock, without capital, and only relying on smartphones

You want to do business, but don't have the capital? dropship is the solution. Many people want to start a business or have expertise in marketing products and want to have a business, but unfortunately they are hindered by the capital they have because there is not enough capital to be able to open a business. Become drop shipper can help you achieve that dream.

WL is a person who acts as a seller, acts as an intermediary for consumers and suppliers in the process of buying and selling products. Become drop shipper is a good decision for a startup business because it doesn't require a lot of capital and can be done without storing goods.

How Does Dropshiping Work?

In dropshipping, the retailer/seller acts as an intermediary between the supplier/beg and customers. Shop owner by way of work dropship not handling the product but only selling it. The profit comes from the difference between the customer's price and the cost of purchasing the product from the supplier.

Dropship Work System

Logistics on process dropshipping the exact one depends on your settings as drop shipper, but usually processes dropshipping following the general order:

  • The dropshipper signs an agreement with the supplier.
  • Customer orders are made online.
  • WL receive orders.
  • The customer receives an order confirmation.
  • WL forward orders to suppliers.
  • Suppliers send product orders to customers with store identities drop shipper
  • Customers receive their products.

For example, you run a store dropshipping selling beauty products. You've partnered with a supplier, and you're using their image to sell on platform others, such as Facebook, Instagram, Website and others.

A customer visits your website and places an order face wash that you sold for Rp 45.000. You pass the order on to the supplier to fulfill the customer's order. Supplier sends face wash directly to customers with your store identity. You pay a supplier of IDR 30.000, so your profit is IDR 15.000.

Dropshipping may appeal to start-up businesses looking to sell products with minimal capital, but it can limit opportunities to build a brand and differentiate products from other stores. Businesses that use dropshipping will compete on price, which results in low profit margins.

Dropshipping Master Key

  • WL

Process dropshipping starting with you as an identified individual selling products to the end consumer. You set prices, record purchases as revenue, and are responsible for product sales tax.

Even when the supplier stores and ships the goods, you will still be responsible for the goods ordered by the customer until the goods reach the customer.

  • Producer

Manufacturers make products to sell to wholesalers and retailers. You can buy goods from manufacturers. Several manufacturers offer the service dropshipping. Choose a manufacturer that does offer service dropshipping, and you must communicate well, so that there are no errors in the ordering process from producers to consumers.

  • Wholesaler

In a given product supply chain, wholesalers buy from manufacturers and sell to retailers for a small amount markup /price increases. Wholesalers function as intermediaries; generally, they do not sell to end consumers but can provide services dropshipping to retailer.

You can define a provider dropshipping which one is right for you based on your business model and product fulfillment requirements.

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