1. English

GeoKuliner Help Direct You To The Nearest Restaurant

Location-based is such a hybrid-friendly feature, from location-based social networking, location-based reviews, location-based e-commerce, location-based augmented reality and now location-based restaurant reviews. A very niche private beta project we found a few days ago and decided to review it.

GeoCulinary, is the name of the service which will help you determine a restaurant near you, complete with the review, contact number and of course the address of the restaurant. The UI is very simple, easy to use and relatively clean, giving the visitor a clear view of the website and it's contents. looks like GeoCulinary will be dependent on their users to submit content for them, User Generated Content.

This is actually a good concept for a website, very niche and nicely targeted. However if bigger website likes urbanesia or Koprol decided to focus on restaurants, it's very easy to defeat GeoKuliner's small niche market. One of GeoKuliner's homework to think about is how they can come up with a strong differentiation where other bigger players cannot defeat them easily. Once they can come up with this powerful feature, GeoKuliner can be unstoppable.

GeoCulinary is well-executed, suggesting powerful founders and team behind the service. One of the pre-requisites for a successful startup. Too bad they're currently in a very-very private stage, they haven't even allow private beta users to try their service. But keep an eye on them at DailySocial, we'll let you all know when you can try them out.

Oh.. and finally, a location-based service manifested and visualized on an actual map! ;)

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