1. Startups

Foursquare is now used by more than 3 million users

Foursquare is now used by more than 3 million registered users on their service, at least that can be seen from the description of their user registration.

As written TechCrunch, Foursquare shows a significant increase in the number of users, having 2 million users at the beginning of last July, and has now reached 3 million registered users. It took Foursquare about a year to reach one million users, three months to reach 2 million users and an additional month and a half to bring their users to 3 million.

The growth of Foursquare users is still quite far from other similar services such as Gowalla which previously reached 3 users or Loopt which reached 4 million users last July.

However, with some developments made by Foursquare, such as 'minor' changes to the description of 'majorship' which was launched a few days ago, their advertisement which plastered in Times Square, as well as news about preparations to launch latest version of iPhone app, it seems likewill continue to make growth in their users.

Moreover, the news that says that Foursquare will 'lose the war' with Facebook Places, which Facebook launched some time ago, is not or at least has not been proven true, because founder Foursquare instead said that the growth of user registration is the most happened when Facebook announced their location service.

I myself tried to check registered users on Foursquare and it seems their registered users have reached more than 3.020.000 users. Users who are registered as the 3.020.001 Foursquare users are from Indonesia, so it will be very interesting to continue to see the development of Foursquare users at the local level, and competition with other similar services.

News source: TechCrunch.

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