1. Startups

FemaleDev Holds Incubation Program Similar to the National 1000 Startup Movement

In FemaleDev's incubation program there is soft skill training to train leadership

Female Dev, an informal education platform specifically for women that is also affiliated with tech-startup ecosystem builder PT Kibar Kreasi Indonesia (Kibar) is now holding an incubation program that aims to encourage and empower more generations of women leaders by utilizing technology.

Alamanda Shantika, Chief Activist FemaleDev, explained that this incubation program is the same as the National 1000 Startup Digital Movement. In it there will be discussions, workshops, hacksprints, bootcamps, and incubation which will be held in six cities, namely Jakarta, Denpasar, Bandung, Semarang, Yogyakarta, and Surabaya.

"So in the next year, FemaleDev will hold an intensive program. The goal is to create female lead from the IT world. But the difference with the National Movement is that there is training soft skill for leadership," he said after the FemaleDev Breakthrough Summit in Bali last week.

[Read also: FemaleDev and the Hope to Create More Indonesian Female Developers]

Until the end of this year, FemaleDev Roadmap in collaboration with Google Developers organizes Women Techmakers Study Groups for Indonesia Android Kejar Batch 2. Then, next year FemaleDev will inaugurate the incubation program.

This program starts with Talks until February 2017, then Workshop until April 2017. Soft skills camp held from March to April. Hacksprint starts March to April, then follows Bootcamp from April to May. Lastly, the Incubation is held from April to August.

"The new incubation target participants will be determined after the Women Techmakers Study Groups event is over. We need to see how enthusiastic they are."

FemaleDev was first initiated by Kibar in February 2013. Until now, FemaleDev has recruited around 3.000 young women who have a mission to work using technology. This campaign has held more than 60 workshops in 10 major cities.

Update National Movement for 1000 Digital Startups

Alamanda focuses on improving women's leadership in IT / DailySocial

It has now been three months since the National Movement for 1.000 Digital Startups was inaugurated some time ago. The first three cities that have been visited are Jakarta, Surabaya, and Yogyakarta. Of the three cities, according to Alamanda, the most interesting were the innovations proposed by participants from outside Jakarta.

According to him, the problem solving they offer is more rooted in the source of the problem. So their idea is not the same.

"During the mentoring session, the ideas offered by participants from Jakarta were still the same. The problems they offered were not deep, unlike the case with participants from outside Jakarta, it was very interesting."

He gave an example, an interesting idea will be interesting if it is done through collaboration. Take for example, to solve problems in logistics, there is no need to make Go-Send like what Go-Jek has done. It's better to focus on the root of the problem, for example from the system tracking from logistics companies that are not yet large in scale are still bad.

"Departing from that problem, it could be an interesting startup idea. The thing is they have to pay attention to how the company that was built can support other companies, not compete with each other. Small things can become big when collaboration is carried out."

From the total of the three cities, the total participants reached 14.318 ideas. Then, filtered in the remaining Ignition stage 1.515. In the next stage, the total workshop participants were filtered to 759. Then, in the Hacksprint stage, it was reduced to 367.

In general, based on gender, about 83% of the participants were male and 17% were female. In terms of age, 86% were followed by people in the age range of 18-30 years, the rest came from those aged 30-40 years. As for the focus of the problem to be solved mostly to overcome agriculture in Indonesia.

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