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Coding: Definition, Benefits and Learning Tips for Beginners

Coding skills are one of the most sought-after skills in the IT field.

Do you know? Jobs in the IT field are among the jobs that offer the highest salaries in Indonesia. According to the 2022 Salary Report issued by Jobstreet, jobs in the IT field occupy the first position of the highest paying jobs in Indonesia, with average salaries starting from Rp. 5,4 million to Rp. 36 million per month.

One of the most sought-after skills in the IT field is ability coding. Simply, coding is a way of communicating with a computer using a programming language. Although it sounds complicated, however coding can be learned from the start.

Well, here is a complete explanation of coding along with learning tips for beginners.

Definition coding

coding is an activity related to writing a series of commands in a certain programming language, which is then converted into codes that can be understood by computer machines. The language used by computers is referred to as binary form and consists of only two numbers, namely 0 and 1.

By writing certain code, you can command the computer to do something according to your wishes. Not only that, you can also use abilities coding to create websites and applications, process data, and do many other things related to computers and technology.

benefit coding

Learn coding not only as a hobby, but also can be used to start a career in technology. Here are some of the benefits that come from coding:

Starting a Career in the IT Field

One of the main benefits of studying coding is to start a career in IT. This career opportunity is very promising, because technological developments make many companies increasingly need people who have abilities coding to make website as well as applications.

Develop Skills Problem Solving

coding can also train the ability to solve a problem in more depth or problem solving. Ability problem solving This is important to have in the world of work. Because, this ability can help you solve a problem effectively and efficiently.

Develop Logic Abilities

apart problem solving, coding It can also help you in developing your logic skills. Because, coding requires logic in compiling an algorithm in a program or application. If the logic used is wrong, then the program can display an error message or cannot run according to its will.

Flexible Career Options

Final, coding also offers a wide range of flexible career options. You can get various positions in the IT field if you have mastered the skills coding. These career choices, such as computer programs, Web Developer, front end developer, back-end developers, computer system analyst, database administrator and network system administrator.

Study Tips coding

One of the advantages coding is that it can be learned anywhere and anytime. You can study coding self-taught, without requiring specific courses or training.

As for some study tips coding what you can do as a beginner is, as follows:

Understand Basic Concepts coding

The most basic thing you have to do when studying coding is to understand the basic concept coding. There are five basic concepts coding what you need to know is:

  • Variable, i.e. value, number, character strings, or memory addresses which allows the programmer to create a program.
  • Control structure, which is a series of programming blocks that analyze variables and determine their next direction.
  • Data Structure, which is a special format for analyzing and storing data for a specific purpose.
  • Syntax, i.e. code or script understood by the computer to achieve the goal programmer.
  • Tools, which is the set of computer programs required to create, maintain, support and run debugging for other programs and applications.

Select the Programming Language to be Used

Next, you can choose the appropriate programming language coding. Therefore, you need to set goals coding before choosing a programming language.

This is because the programming language used to build a site is different from that used to design it mobile game.

Learn Programming Language One by One

If you have set goals and programming languages, it's time to focus on learning one type of programming language before learning another. You can start by learning a simple programming language, such as Python, JavaScript, or HMTL/CSS.

Learn the Basics of Every Programming Language

The easiest thing to do when learning something is to learn the basics first. This also applies to you in learning programming languages.

You can start by studying the introductory and tutorial sections before practicing by creating a project.

Well, that's the explanation about coding that dailysocialid has described for you. So, are you ready to start learning coding?

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