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Algorithm: Definition, Characteristics, Types, Functions and Benefits

Algorithms can be used not only to solve computer problems, but also to solve everyday problems that require a series of processes.

When we read or hear the word "algorithm" most of us assume that the word is related to programming languages, computer science or mathematics. Yes, that's true, but what does the algorithm actually mean?

Well, the article below will review the algorithm in depth.

Definition of Algorithm

Algorithms are methods or steps designed regularly and sequentially to solve or solve problems through instructions or actions.

The development of science and technology has given humans the ability to produce increasingly sophisticated and complex works. 

Although computers can generally perform calculations more quickly than humans, they cannot solve problems in the same way without humans teaching them predetermined steps (algorithms). 

Algorithms can be used not only to solve computer problems, but also to solve everyday problems that require a series of processes or process steps. To better understand what an algorithm is, let's study its meaning from several sources.

In several book sources, an understanding of the algorithm is obtained, including:

  1. An algorithm according to (Kani, 2020, 1.19) is an attempt with a logical and systematic sequence of operations to solve a problem to produce a certain output.
  2. The algorithm comes from the word algorithmic and rhythmic which was first introduced by Abu Ja'far Muhammad Ibn Musa Al Khwarizmi in 825 AD in the book Al-Jabr Wa-al Muqabla. In the field of programming, an algorithm is defined as a method consisting of a series of structured and systematic steps to solve problems with the help of a computer (Jando & Nani, 2018, 5).
  3. Algorithm according to (Munir & Lidya, 2016, 5) is a sequence of steps to solve a problem.
  4. An algorithm is a set of instructions or steps that are systematically written and used to solve logic and math problems/problems with the help of a computer (Sismoro, 2005, 29).

Algorithm features

According to Donald E. Knuth, an algorithm must have five important properties that are related to one another. The criteria for this algorithm include the following:

  1. Limitation

The algorithm should stop when it has completed a certain number of steps, ie. H. is the final goal that must be achieved, so the program stops when the final goal is reached. A program that never stops indicates that it contains a faulty algorithm.

  1. Definition (Security)

Each step must be well defined and ambiguous. The instructions are clear and unambiguous, so there are no errors in the output.

  1. Entrance (pintu enter)

This post is a problem that needs to be faced and find a solution. This algorithm has zero or more inputs, which is the set given to the algorithm to process.

  1. Departure

The algorithm has zero or more output values. Of course, this result must be a solution or solution to the problem. The result can be a message or a set associated with the input.

  1. Performance (efficiency)

Algorithms must be efficient, each sequence or step must be as simple as possible so that it can be completed in a reasonable amount of time.

Types of Algorithms

  1. Sequential Algorithm

Sequential algorithm is an algorithm whose steps are sequential from start to finish. Step by step will be completed sequentially from top to bottom.

  1. Looping algorithm

A looping algorithm is an algorithm that performs certain steps repeatedly or loop. The problems encountered also have steps that need to be repeated.

  1. Branch or conditional algorithm

Conditional algorithms are algorithms that take the next step when certain conditions are met.

Algorithm Functions and Benefits

Basically, the main function of an algorithm is to solve a problem. More specifically, some of the functions and advantages of the algorithm are as follows:

  • Facilitates the simplification of complex and large programs.
  • To make it easier to create a program for a specific problem.
  • We can use the algorithm multiple times to solve other problems.
  • Helps solve problems logically and systematically.
  • To minimize writing repetitive programs. 
  • In order to be able to do a top-down approach and divide and conquer.
  • To make it easier to create programs that are clearer and structured so that they are easier to understand and develop.
  • Simplify the program editing process because we can do it in just one module without having to change other modules.
  • If something goes wrong, the algorithm can help find it thanks to a clear workflow.
  • Simple documentation process.
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