1. Startups

Google and Facebook relationship is getting tenuous

Google and Facebook, these two giant internet companies seem to be not getting along and are involved in a cold war. This "war" begins with respon Google regarding Facebook's strategy of not allowing users to export their data outside of Facebook (backup).

Google with its "Don't be evil" slogan states that Facebook should allow users to export their contact data, however Facebook retrieves user contact data from Google's Gmail contacts. Google argues that Facebook should do justice to it by allowing the flow of information both ways, taking from third parties (Gmail, Yahoomail, Hotmail, etc) and allowing it to leave the Facebook ecosystem.

Since this incident, began a cold war between Google and Facebook in maintaining their respective ideals. Why only Google? Because Yahoo!Mail and LiveMail already had a deal with Facebook in which the services got access to Facebook's use of contact data, an access that was so valuable to Facebook that they desperately defended it.

And now, Facebook is removing access from users to import their contact data from Google Mail. You used to be able to import your contact data from Gmail to Facebook and invite your friends on Gmail, and now you can't anymore. Not only that, now that option has also been removed from Friendfeed which Facebook acquired last year).

It seems that Facebook really thought that Google's response was offensive and decided to extend the ropes of the war by pushing Google out of the Facebook ecosystem. Could this also be one of Facebook Messaging's strategies to really fight Gmail? Although Mark Zuckerberg said that FB Messaging won't kill GMail, his new strategy puts Gmail in a difficult position.

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