1. Startups

Get to know LindungiHutan, a startup from Semarang that consistently carries out environmental conservation

ProtectHutan claims to have planted more than 805.000 trees in 50 reforestation locations, partnering with 517 brands

The title 'lungs of the world' that we attach to forests is not without reason. Forests play a crucial role as guardians of ecosystem balance, absorbing carbon, as well as reducing the impact of climate change and global warming that is currently occurring.

Long story short, forests should be protected and preserved as one of the main pillars of sustainable life. One party that is intensively making efforts to preserve forests in Indonesia is ProtectForest.

Since 2016, startup LindungiHutan, which is headquartered in the city of Semarang, has focused on building a platform crowdplanting fundraising online for forest and environmental conservation.

CEO of LindungiHutan, Miftachur Robani or who is familiarly called Ben, explained that his team always takes an adaptive approach in carrying out its mission.

"Every year we have a new approach and perspective that develops with the times, and we will move forward in line with our goals," said Ben in a written statement.

For 2024, for example, ProtectHutan provides various collaborative programs such as #PilihLestari, TreeshBash, Alms Trees, ESG Program, Imbangi, Care for the Earth, UniversiTree, Keep the Forest, Free Forest, Greening Season, and Forest Hope.

"Apart from that, there are also annual programs, namely CorporaTree, ColaboraTree, and Carbon Consultation," added Ben.

To date, ProtectHutan claims to have planted more than 805.000 trees in 50 reforestation locations. They have also been trusted as partners in carrying out sustainability actions by 517 brand and companies, such as Somethinc, Tokopedia, BFI Finance, Bussan Auto Finance (BAF), and others.


For the full review, visit Solum.id. Solum.id is media online which focuses on presenting various articles about the sustainability sector and future technology.


Disclosure: Solum.id is part of the DailySocial.id group

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