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Possible Order Failure to Deliver on Lazada: Payment Claim Procedure

Overcoming Canceled or Failed to Send Order Status on Lazada: Claim Payment as a Solution

In the world E-commerce, especially on big platforms like Lazada, we often face situations where orders may have a status of canceled or failed delivery, even though the goods have been received by the buyer.

This can be a source of worry for sellers, especially if they are worried about lost revenue. However, it should be noted that there are procedures that sellers can follow to submit payment claims and process cases like this efficiently.

Why can the order status be canceled or failed to send even though the goods have been received?

There are several possible reasons why orders that have been received by buyers may have inappropriate status on Lazada:

System Error

Sometimes, technical or software errors in the platform E-commerce could cause this problem. System updates, network outages, or communication failures can leave orders stuck in the wrong status.

Logistics Errors

Sometimes, logistics providers or couriers working with Lazada may make errors in updating delivery status.

Status Updates by Buyer

It is possible that buyers forget or neglect to update their order status after receiving the goods. This can make sellers worry.

Submit a Payment Claim on Lazada

To overcome situations where orders are canceled or delivery fails, but the goods have been received by the buyer, sellers on Lazada can submit payment claims. Here are the things you need to do to submit a claim:

  • Make sure you submit your claim within the appropriate time. Lazada usually limits the time for submitting claims to 30 days after the order status is canceled or failed to deliver.
  • Confirm with the buyer. You can confirm this situation to buyers in two ways:

Via the Chat Feature on the Lazada Application

Log in to your seller account on Lazada, open the chat feature, select the buyer associated with the order, and confirm the situation. Make sure to include the order number and receipt number when confirming.

Credit picture by Lazada

Via the WhatsApp Application

If you use WhatsApp to communicate with buyers, make sure to attach a clear order number and receipt number. Ask the buyer to attach a photo of proof of receipt of the goods. You can use this chat as evidence to submit a payment claim to Lazada.

Credit picture by Lazada

  • Contact Lazada customer service. After confirming the situation with the buyer, you should immediately contact Lazada's customer service team. Explain clearly the problem you are facing and include proof of confirmation with the buyer.

A situation where the order status shows canceled or failed to deliver even though the goods have been received by the buyer can be a source of confusion and worry for sellers on Lazada. However, by following the proper steps and filing appropriate payment claims, sellers can resolve this issue.

The most important thing is to maintain clear communication with buyers and have sufficient evidence to support your claims. This way, sellers can maintain their business reputation and ensure customer satisfaction on the Lazada platform.

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