1. Startups

wellspaces Group Successfully Holds "Entrepreneurs Night" Event

Contains a series of discussion events and "networking" between startup actors

At the end of last July, wellspaces group again held a social event with the theme "Entrepreneurs Night". Located at workwell Labs Kemang, around 300 people from various startups and companies were present here.

The series of events also featured a panel discussion session entitled "How to Fight Your Doubts in Starting Your Business". There were three speakers presented, namely Peter Shearer (Wahyoo), Christian Sutardi (Fabelio), and Aryo Ariotedjo (Wellspaces Group).

As is known, the three presenters come from three different business landscapes. Wahyoo trying to provide a digital platform to increase the business potential of traditional warungs. Fabelio is a service E-commerce for various interior needs. While wellspaces are service providers co-working space in Indonesia.

wellspaces is indeed quite routinely holding events networking like this, besides Entrepreneurs Night there is also "Meat-Up". The aim is to increase intimacy between fellow startup players and digital companies. It is hoped that by meeting in one location like this, a good partnership can be established between each other.


Disclosure: DailySocial is a media partner for Entrepreneurs Night