1. Entrepreneur

5 Differences Amaan and Pinjol Applications, Important to Know!

Amaan's app is not a pinjol. Check out the five differences in this article.

Loan online or loan is an online-based loan or credit service (online). Pinjol is often an alternative for entrepreneurs to get a capital loan. Apart from borrowing, entrepreneurs can also get business capital in the application Amaan. You may be wondering, if they have the same function, then what is the difference between Amaan and Pinjol?

Then, is the Amaan application also one of the borrowing applications? Well, here you will see five differences between the Amaan and Pinjol applications that are important to know so that you don't make the wrong choice. 

Difference between Amaan and Pinjol

Launch website Amaan, Amaan is not included in the loan online. There are several points that show that Amaan is different from Pinjol. Here is a summary for you.

Business License as Financing Agent

In contrast to the loan which has a business license as a , Amaan has a business license as financing agent. Then, Amaan has also been registered and supervised by the OJK, and is a member of AFTECH or the Association Fintech Indonesia.

Providing non-loan financing

As the name suggests, loan is a service that offers loans to its users. While Amaan is an application that offers financing, not loans. Financing and loan known to have different principles.

If the lender benefits from interest, the lender will benefit from profit sharing.

Target User

Pinjol basically can be used by anyone, both individuals in general or entrepreneurs for any purpose. While Amaan is an application that is specifically intended for users female entrepreneur the majority are also the breadwinners of the family.

Amaan is here to offer financing that can later be used as business capital to support the family.

Sharia Based

In addition to the three points above, one thing that distinguishes Amaan from pinjol is the principle of Amaan which is based on sharia, which contains the principles of Islamic law. For example, by implementing the use of a profit-sharing system instead of interest on Amaan.

Services Offered

The last difference is in the services offered. Pinjol generally only offers loans to its users. While Amaan offers a variety of services that are based on four pillars, namely finance, shopping, learning, and health through its features which you can see in full HERE.

Thus a summary of the differences between Amaan and Pinjol. Hopefully the information above can help you in determining which application is more suitable for you to get business capital.
