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How to Add Products and Stock Taking with the Journal.id Stock Goods Application

Using the Jurnal.id stock application for product stock management.

Stock application for convenience stock management now there are many types. However, in this article, we will discuss a stock application that also functions as accounting and bookkeeping management, namely Jurnal.id by Mekari.

Before going into the tutorial on how to add products and how to inventory taking product, let's look first at what Journal.id is more closely.

What is Jurnal.id?

Journal.id is for mobile devices to report the accountancy online produced by PT Mid Solusi Nusantara (Mekari). Software It supports financial recording activities, bookkeeping, and operations, including stock management of your business to make it easier.

Apart from using a computer device, you can also access Jurnal.id at http://www.journal.id smartphone you by downloading the Journal application at PlayStore as well as the AppStore.

Don't worry. Features on the computer and mobile devices both complete and you can use according to the package you choose.

Product Stock Management in the Journal.id Stock Goods Application

Before you do inventory taking, of course you need to add the product first to the Jurnal.id system. Here are the steps to add a new product through the Jurnal.id dashboard.

  • Entered into dashboards Journal.id.
  • Open menu Product.
  • Click button Make new at the top right of the page and select New product.




  • Then, enter product information.



  • First, upload a product photo and enter the product name. Make sure your product name is not the same as other products.
  • Second, enter the product code/SKU.
  • Third, select a product category.
  • Fourth, select the type of product unit.
  • Fifth, fill in the product description. You can fill it with product type, color, or something else.
  • Sixth, select the type of goods. Is it a unit product (single) or package (bundle).
  • Next, go to the Pricing & Settings section at the bottom.



  • Fill section I Buy This Product with the purchase price of the product. Select tax if the product you purchased is taxed.
  • Then, fill in the section I Sell This Product with the selling price of the product. Don't forget to select tax if the product is taxed.
  • After that, check the box Inventory Monitor to manage product stock.



  • Fill in the product minimum stock limit to help you know when the product needs to be stocked re-stock.



  • When everything is filled in, click Create Product. You can see the product you just created again in the Products menu.



Video How to Add Products in Jurnal.id


If you have successfully added all the products to Jurnal.id in the above way, then you can do the following: inventory taking easily through dashboards Journal.id. Below are the steps.



  • Then, you will go to the stock customization page. 
  • Select the adjustment type. Choose Stock Calculation to calculate the final stock quantity or select Stock In/Out to input the difference in stock quantity.



  • Next, select the stock customization category. Choose General to adjust for increasing and decreasing stock. Choose Damaged goods for stock adjustment due to damaged goods. Choose Production for stock adjustments due to the production process. Choose Initial Quantity to adjust the initial stock of the product.



  • Next, the Account column will be automatically filled depending on the choice of stock adjustment category. However, you can still change it however you want.



  • After Account, select the warehouse you want to do inventory taking.



  • Then, click Next to start adjusting product stock.



  • You will enter a new page to input the latest product stock.
  • On that page, you can add notes in the Memo column and add tag if needed.



  • Next, you can start making stock adjustments by entering the actual product quantity. If there is a difference in quantity, the system will automatically calculate the difference in product.



  • If you have finished filling product stock, click Make Stock Taking to save stock adjustments.



  • The product stock on the Products menu will be automatically displayed-Update after you save inventory taking.



These are the steps for adding products and adjusting product stock on the Jurnal.id by Mekari stock application. In order to better understand each step in how to do inventory taking at Jurnal.id, you can also see the following video tutorials made by Jurnal.id. Good luck!

How To Videos Inventory taking with the Journal.id Stock Goods Application
