1. DScovery

4 Presentation Opening Tips, Easy to Apply and Attractive!

It takes 60-90 seconds to grab your audience's attention at the start of a presentation and hold it through to the end.

For those who are used to giving presentations when opening a presentation it will be easy and normal. But for beginners it will be very difficult. It must be confusing when dealing with stringing sentences. As a result, the presentation starts out awkward and less interesting to the audience.

It's a shame that the audience will be disinterested from the very beginning of the presentation, even though it was painstakingly prepared. To prevent this, let's learn together how to open a good presentation. Check out more in the review below!

Opening the Presentation by Conveying the Purpose and Purpose

The simplest method that can be applied to many situations is to open your presentation by conveying the intent and purpose of your presentation. This way the audience will understand what they get from your presentation. You can also set audience expectations, presentation duration, and what will be discussed.

Suppose you provide human resource management system software services to several managers who are potential buyers of your product. Then you can open the presentation by communicating your aims and objectives as follows:

"Good morning, ladies and gentlemen. I am very pleased to have the opportunity to stand before you today.

In the next 30 minutes, we'll explore human resource management systems that make managing employee data fast, easy, and informative.

At the end of the presentation, ladies and gentlemen will be able to understand the advantages and benefits offered by this system and the difference with similar products on the market. This allows you to determine the best investment for the business you are running. "

Opening a Presentation With a Question

What do you do when someone asks a question?

They will automatically try to reply. The same goes for asking questions when opening a presentation. The audience will think and try to find answers to your questions, even if you don't answer them directly.

Questions help your audience focus on the topic at hand and focus on finding answers. This simple question is powerful enough to make your audience think and focus on getting an answer. Repeat the same question at the end of the presentation so that it becomes a unified whole.

Open a Presentation With a Story

Many world-class presenters tell their stories at the beginning of their presentations. Why tell? Because stories are unforgettable. We all love to hear stories. Do you still remember the childhood stories of your grandparents, father and mother? Surely you still remember it.

Start your presentation with a story that forces your audience to imagine that story. They begin to mentally connect with you as a presenter and are ready to listen to the presentation perfectly. For example, you want to give a presentation about the dangers of driving with a cell phone.

Relevant stories can evoke audience emotions. Think about a nature story before listening to the presentation.

Think of a story that relates to your presentation. It doesn't have to be a true story. You can also use fictional stories as illustrations. As long as your story is well understood, the audience will be emotionally involved in your story.

A memorable opening requires more preparation and skill to tell the story well. But if you can do that, you can address not only the logical side of your audience but also the emotional side.

Opening Presentations With Data or Facts

If your presentation contains interesting facts or data then you can use that information to open the presentation. Data can be thought provoking. Plus, data and facts can produce dramatic, no-frills effects.

Suppose you are giving a presentation on how to create a safe work environment. Then you can open the presentation with the data. Relevant data will intrigue the audience. Especially when data they have never heard of reveals a dramatic fact.

You can even open your presentation with a quote from a character. This kind of opening can be interesting if the quote you choose relates to your topic of conversation. However, don't insist on using these quotes if they are not related to your presentation material.

Apart from quoting other people's words, you can also use personal opinions to open your presentation. If you have a solid idea about something, why not use it to open your presentation?

Now you understand the importance of a good and interesting opening in your presentation. So prepare your presentation well. Please practice continuously so you can convey it smoothly. Hopefully the above article can help you!
