1. Startups

A Decade and Continuously Growing, Hijup Strengthens Three Main Pillars of Business

Just launched "Hijup Growth Fund", a financing program for local Muslim fashion players

Having been in business since 2011, services fashion commercealive claims to continue to experience positive business growth. Even though during the pandemic there were several obstacles, the company was able to survive and continue to present new innovations. To DailySocial.id, Founder & CEO of Hijup Diajeng Lestari revealed, currently Hijup has developed three main pillars.

"If previously only focused on marketplace of course, currently Hijup already has revenue streams new in the form of social media agency and Hijup Growth Fund."

Until now, Hijup claims to have almost 400 thousand registered users with a total of almost 400 partners. Meanwhile, their number of followers on social media also experienced positive growth of up to 1,2 million. The company's next target is to become the main goal of the Indonesian people to end-to-end solution Muslim modestmarketplace ecosystem based.

"We believe our focus on transforming will allow Hijup to have positioning What is stronger is in the minds of the Indonesian people, both in terms of creative producers and the market," said Diajeng.

Hijup Growth Fund

Hijup has also launched the Hijup Growth Fund. This is a business financing program of up to a maximum of IDR 100 billion, aimed at business players in the Muslim fashion industry and modest local. One of the reasons for the launch of this program by Hijup is the trust of board of shareholders Hijup who continues to provide support.

"Especially due to several innovations that we continue to present to continue to develop business capital. Hijup Growth Fund is one of Hijup's proud innovations," said Diajeng.

In addition to the capital that can be pocketed for scale up business, this program also provides direct assistance from Hijup in business aspects, Branding and marketing. Later, Hijup will also offer a repayment scheme through sales and loan profit sharing of up to 0%. The funding scheme will later be adjusted to the characteristics and conditions brand each.

To take part in the program, you must previously be a tenant and sells its products on the Hijup website. Brand The funds will then go through several stages before getting funding. For example, starting from the stage of submission, verification, approval, disbursement, to the stage of the refund agreement.

The growth of the Muslim fashion industry

Menurut report 2018 by Thomson Reuters and DinarStandard, $270 billion was spent by Muslim consumers on modest clothing in 2017. The report also projects 4,8 percent growth year-on-year for the sector and estimates that sales will reach $402 billion by 2024.

Brand fashion has taken note of this growing trend, and many of them are starting to target this industry to meet the growing demand.

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According to the Islamic Fashion & Design Council, consumption of modest fashion is still led by Turkey with more than $25 billion per year, followed by Iran, Indonesia, Egypt, Saudi Arabia, and then Pakistan.

The report also notes that food and beverage is the largest revenue sector for the halal market. According to a report from DinarStandard, Muslims have spent about $2,2 trillion on the halal and Islamic lifestyle sector, 10% of which is accredited to the modest fashion sector.

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