1. Startups

Inaugurating NFT Marketplace, OneAset Ambitious to Create an Integrated Investment Ecosystem

OneAset is a wealth management application with investment instruments in the form of insurance, gold, and NFT

Services wealthtech made Akulaku group, OneAsset, officially announced attendance marketplace NFT (non-fungible tokens) with community features. Through this new feature, the company wants to build an integrated ecosystem that includes investment products, financial literacy education, financial management, and the investment community.

Debuted on July 7, 2022, this application has produced tens of thousands of NFT works in its first month, covering a variety of works of art, photography to literature. OneAset NFT leverages the network blockchain developed by the parent, namely Binance SmartChain (BSC). As is known, BSC technology provides convenience in making Smart contract and structured decentralized applications.

In Indonesia itself, NFT started going viral after a student known as Ghozali Everyday managed to make a photo Selfie his property was traded in the form of NFT at an inflated price. Starting from the artist, an influencer, until important figures in Indonesia are also known to have started selling works through NFT, including Syahrini, Anang Hermansyah, Luna Maya, Arnold Poernomo and Ridwan Kamil.

Basically, NFT terminology can be interpreted as a digital certificate that guarantees the authenticity of irreplaceable digital goods such as photos, videos, or other forms of digital assets. NFT is printed and stored in blockchain, such as crypto assets. NFT is valuable because of the element non fungibleso that it cannot be replaced by another. This method of making NFT works is commonly referred to as minted.

Process minted this also gives NFT owners clear and exclusive ownership rights, as each NFT is only owned by one owner until it is sold and the ownership is exchanged to a new buyer. The price of an NFT also varies and can change according to the numbers set by the seller. Like other collectibles, the price will be influenced by various things such as who the creator is, the complexity of a work, or other uniqueness.

NFT creation mechanism in OneAset

For the process of buying and selling NFT in the OneAset application, the seller can enter the NFT menu then select 'Create NFT' in the upper right corner then select the NFT image you want to download.listing Be it photos, works of art or literature, there is a unique description column that can be filled in to attract the attention of other users. After the user submits the NFT creation, there will be a special team that will curate the work. One of the important requirements for NFT to be sold is that it does not contain SARA.

In addition, sellers can also determine creator royalties or additional income that will be received when NFT items are sold, starting from 1-10% of the selling price and selling duration. Then, the seller can immediately make a fee payment listing and gas fees or blockchain transaction fees via bank partners who have collaborated with the OneAset application.

Users of the OneAset NFT marketplace application can see the creators' featured NFT collections and Ruci's NFT in the Recommended Collection section in the available categories. In addition, users can share, comment, like and favorite certain NFT collections through the interaction feature of the OneAset application.

The platform also offers various attractive promotions for new users who create OneWallet decentralized wallet accounts with the first NFT transactions in the OneAset application. Starting from mystery boxes contains NFT Ruci limited edition for free up to additional coin assets of up to 100.000 which are valid for a certain period.

Along with the launch of NFT by users, OneAset also released special NFT works using OneAset's mascot, Ruci. Ruci itself is presented with various themes and of course following the latest trends, ranging from Ruci The Master, Active and Trendy Ruci, to Hidden Treasure in Art Gallery. In the near future, his team claims that they will soon bring collaborations with other creators.

NFT Marketplace in Indonesia

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OpenSea is known as one of the largest NFT marketplaces in the world with more than 80 million NFT options and $31,3 billion in transaction volume to date. In the first month of its launch, OneAset has produced tens of thousands of NFT works covering a variety of works of art, photography and literature. There are hundreds of local and international creators who have joined this platform.

OneAset President Director, Breggy Anderson said that, “NFT has the opportunity to encourage the work of local creators in Indonesia both nationally and internationally with their works. The presence of the NFT marketplace in the OneAset application itself is expected to be a new platform for local Indonesian creators from various fields to showcase their work and reach a wider market for transaction purposes through this platform.”

Apart from OneAset, there are already local players who have initiated NFT-based platforms marketplace. Some of them are Tokomall courtesy of Tokocrypto, collective,Artpedia, and Digital Paras. In addition, there is also an NFT marketplace that specifically targets verticals Gaming as Fractal. Some of these platforms have also pocketed funding from a number of investors.

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