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Get to know Nusameta, the Metaverse Platform that will be Indonesia's Digital Twin

Interview with Joshua Budiman, Head of Meta Space at Nusameta

After busy building hyping for several months, WIR Group finally officially introduces the platform metaversehis on August 31 last. Using the name Nusameta, platform metaverse It is scheduled to launch next year with a number of use case which is interesting.

To get to know Nusameta more closely, I also had the opportunity to speak with Joshua Budiman as Head of Meta Space at Nusameta. Our chats cover many topics, and in this article I will summarize the most interesting points about metaverse in our conversation.

What makes Nusameta different?

According to Joshua, most platforms metaverse which is being built at the moment takes an approach "imaginary virtual world", which means everything found in metaverse are new and not directly related to the real world. Nusameta is different because the approach taken is real-world digitization.

"Basically Nusameta will become digital twin from Indonesia," said Joshua while simplifying his explanation. For those who are less familiar with the term, digital twin we can interpret it as a very accurate visual representation of a physical asset, which is constantly updated using data in the field. In the Nusameta context, digital twin can be understood as a visual representation that is inspired and resembles the real world, for example in terms of assets that are similar to the real world, to regional divisions in the real world.

Yes, through Nusameta, WIR Group basically wants to make a digital version of the twin from Indonesia. That is why the process will take quite a long time, approximately up to five years before the ecosystem can be fully established, said Stephen Ng, CEO of Nusameta, in the explanation at the Nexticorn International Summit last August.

Looking at the scale of the project, it is natural that the Nusameta work will be carried out in stages. Joshua explained that at the beginning, areas such as Jakarta, West Java, Makassar, and Bali will be present, and each city will be made as close to the original as possible, down to the streets.

For example, Nusameta's version of Jalan Legian in Bali will also be filled with hotels, tourism agents, and other businesses. Users can also make hotel or travel reservations via Nusameta. This kind of interaction, in the WIR Group dictionary, is known as O2O alias online-to-offline (or vice versa).

In addition to private business owners, WIR Group does not forget to invite the government to build use case in Nusameta. According to Joshua, so far there have been three local governments that have signed MoUs with the WIR Group — Jakarta, West Java, Makassar — ​​and they hope that in the future Nusameta can also provide various public services from each region.

Broadly speaking, the goal that Nusameta wants to achieve is to realize experience in the real world through metaverse. But rather than distinguishing oneself from metaverse others, Nusameta actually wants others to also contribute use case which is interesting. WIR Group's current focus is on setting an example use case which is good via Nusameta.

In the future, after finishing with Nusameta, WIR Group will still work on the project metaverse other. Specifically, according to Joshua's explanation, there are already 22 countries in the Mediterranean region waiting to be created digital twin or metaverseby WIR Group.

Build metaverse in accordance with the needs of the Indonesian market

With so many country clients, it is obligatory for WIR Group to understand the customs of the people in each country before starting to build. In the context of Nusameta and Indonesia, Joshua admitted that the WIR Group had already done a lot of research and found that: game is the easiest approach. This means aspect game must feel thick in Nusameta.

Apart from aspects game, WIR Group does not forget the community aspect in building Nusameta. They have even succeeded in cooperating with several communities to enter Nusameta, for example, the community who loves running.

"WIR Group is taking a different approach mindful and thoughtful with the needs of the Indonesian people. We've been thinking about it from the start use caseSo, Nusameta is not just a digital version of the archipelago, but one that can actually be integrated with the real world," said Joshua.

The best example of WIR Group's understanding of the needs of the Indonesian market is their plan to implement a Digital Avatar (DAV) machine. Joshua explained that his company saw the habits of the Indonesian people who used to visit Alfamart for various purposes other than just shopping, and from there they had plans to deploy thousands of these DAV machines at Alfamart outlets.

Thanks to the existence of the DAV machine, the hope is that the people of the country can more easily access Nusameta. So to create an avatar on Nusameta, consumers will have several options, one of which is to visit the nearest Alfamart outlet and use a DAV machine to scan their face, which will then be translated into an avatar on the internet. metaverse.


Read more at Hybrid.co.id: Get to know Nusameta, the Metaverse Platform that will be Indonesia's Digital Twin