1. Startups

Event Report : Bancakan 2.0 11th Meetup Simultaneously DailySocial and Infinys Yogyakarta Roadtrip

Last Friday night, September 14, the DailySocial group was together Infinys visit Yogyakarta in road trip to four cities in Indonesia. This roadtrip was held in conjunction with the 11th meetup of the Yogyakarta startup community, Bancakan 2.0. This event was held at iCafe, Sagan, Yogyakarta.

This event presents Dondy Bappedyanto, General Manager of PT Infinys System Indonesia. as well as Norman Sasono, Technical Evangelist at Microsoft as a replacement for Erick Kurniawan who was previously scheduled to attend.

In the first session, Dondy explained about Infinys' efforts to support the community startup local in Indonesia. According to him, Infinys is ready to invest in startup considered potential. For example, Dondy mentioned startup who is also the winner of Sparxup 2011, Ngomik.com which has been sponsored by Infinys for two years.

In order to work with startup, Infinys applies easy conditions, startup it must have a product. The product must also have good traffic as well as a definite business model. For startup like this, Infinys dares to offer investment in the form of services cloud along with related services, so that startup can concentrate on developing their business and products, without having to think about infrastructure.

Convenience offer for startup also delivered by Norman Sasono in the second session. According to him, for startup less than 3 years old with revenue less than 1 billion, Microsoft offers programs Microsoft Bizpark to help startup develop. With this program, all employees startup can get software from Microsoft, including Windows 8 for three years.

In addition, Norman also revealed opportunities for developers in connection with the Windows Store Indonesia. With the Windows Store, developers canSubmit applications for the Windows 8 platform both for desktop, smartphone, and tablets. This opportunity is a great opportunity for developers, because Windows 8 is a continuation of Windows 7 operating system, the most profitable operating system in the world. However, Norman reminded, developers who develop applications for Windows 8 to follow the design rules in accordance with the appearance of WIndows 8.

In the third session, Rama Mamuaya from DailySocial briefly explained about Sparxup 2012. Sparxup becomes good opportunity for startup Indonesia to present themselves. Sparxup is also an opportunity for developers to show off at the event hackaton. Hackaton at the Sparxup event is expected to be the beginning of the emergence of new products to the market.

After the session, a discussion session was held with Dondy and Norman. This discussion was led by Aria Rajasa, founder ChangeBaju.com and Tees.co.id. In this discussion, participants seemed shy to express questions that emerged from the previous sessions.

On the sidelines of the discussion, there is an event pitch sessions featuring two participants presenting their products. Pitch sessions the first to present KowPlink, which presented the Gamelan DJ application. This application presents tones from gamelan, a set of typical Javanese music, on the Android platform. This application has been well received for successfully elevating culture with technology.

The Bancakan event turns crowded when admin @HijaBro promote accountnyes in the second pitch session. This pitch session opportunity was used to introduce Hijabro and his background to future plans.

In general, the Bancakan event as well as the DailySocial and Infinys roadtrip provided many new insights to the participants. According to Fanni, a UGM student who was one of the participants in the event, he gained a lot of new knowledge even though the material presented by the speaker, according to him, deviated slightly from the promised “Cloud” theme.

As a city that is famous as a student city, Yogyakarta does have the potential to become one of the bases startup. With an event like this, it is hoped that this potential can be further developed.

The DailySocial Roadtrip itself will then visit Surabaya in collaboration with the local SuWec community. Check out the details of the event on the page Facebook SuWec here.