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About the Role of Data Scientist Talents in Big Data Technology

A data scientist needs to have a combination of an engineer's technical skills, business knowledge, and psychology to be able to answer data questions to make decisions

Yesterday, 7-8 December 2016, idBigData again held the Indonesia Big Data Conference for the third time with the theme “Leveraging National Capabilities and Capabilities”. The event, which was held for two days at the BPPT Auditorium, Jakarta, presented many experienced speakers with interesting topics to listen to. One of them was the topic "The Evolving Roles of Chief Data Scientist" which was brought by Deputy Research and Big Data Telkom Komang Aryasa on the first day which also highlighted the lack of talent. data scientist (data scientist) in Indonesia.

Technology big data has become hyping in the digital technology industry in recent years. Its wide application and perceived benefits in helping to make business decisions have become a strong impetus to implement this technology in companies, including start-ups that are now mushrooming in Indonesia. In conjunction with hypingWith this, a new role in the team emerged, namely the role of a data scientist who can process and tell data.

Komang explained, “Currently the data growth has been extraordinary, especially with the presence of many online services. […] Today we are faced with a lot of data unstructured [and required] to look for something in that data, look for insight. The objective is the same as small date which is more structured, but the data becomes more complex.”

“Data volumes will continue to increase and we are currently working with 80% unstructured data. It is estimated that until 2020 we will be working a lot with data to find 'something' there. Thus, more and more talents will be needed to process the data in the future,” Komang continued.

The talent referred to by Komang is a data scientist who is able to process, analyze data, and ultimately provide information value on the data to tell. At the beginning of his presentation, Komang himself emphasized that Value is the most important value in the data because in the end that is what the board of directors will ask.

Komang said, “In big data, there are three common V's namely Variety, Velocity, and Volume, but some researchers add other V's such as Veracity, Visualization, Variability, and Value. […] However, I think the most important thing is Value […] because at the end of the day, BoD [Board of Director] will ask, what value-his?"

The role of data scientists in big data technology

Basically, data scientists have an important role in providing value from the data they process. To do this, according to Komang, there are four competencies that need to be met, namely Technical Skill, Data Analyst, Business Acumen, and Story Telling.

Technical Skill includes the ability of Computer Science, Programming, and Database. Data Analyst includes Mathematical, Statistical, and Modeling capabilities. Business Acumen includes Communication, Technology Alignment, and Strategic & Performance. The last is Story Telling which includes Creativity, Story Telling, and Visual Design.

“Story Telling is very important because from here the data that is not true can be true if the story is good. If the story is not good, the correct data can also be wrong. […] How do we convince our top level management, that is with a good story telling, “explained Komang.

However, Komang also realized that finding people with such complex competencies was not an easy matter. The solution, according to him, is to form a team consisting of several groups that have the competencies of a data scientist. This group or team will then be led by the Chief of Data Scientist.

The role of the Chief of Data Scientist itself has undergone a shift. Komang explained that the role of Chief of Data Scientist had evolved from technology executive embedded in business menjadi business executive responsible for new technology and revenue generation. While his duties in leading the team can be seen from the business and technology side.

On the business side, a Chief of Data Scientist must be able to creating business and product vision until it becomes owner of P & L [Product & License] that he made. As for the technology side, he should be able to creatingscience & technology vision, hiring top scientists and technologists, to make a decision to maximize gross margins.

However, there is one challenge to be faced. Komang said that based on the data he obtained from McKinsey, it was estimated that there would be a shortage of data scientist talent in the future. This is anticipated by overseas campuses by starting to present a new major, Business Analytics. The question that remains is, what about Indonesia? Have you done the same or not?

This must be anticipated immediately because in the future there will be talents who can absorb and perform complex data processing (big data) will play an important role in making business decisions.

- Disclosure: DailySocial is a media partner of the 2016 Big Data Indonesia Conference