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Dota 2 'Born Again', Powered by Powerful Engine Source 2

Usually developer will enter the comfortable phase after knowing gamehis success in gathering loyal players. From there maybe they just give Update, hold event, or maybe manage micropayments. But we know Valve has always been different. In June 2015 they announced Dota 2 Reborn, pulling the game back to stage beta.

Dota 2 Reborn is neither a sequel nor expansion packs from action real-time strategy (that's how Valve describes the MOBA) which is loved by millions of players. Say 'reborn' has a literal meaning. The developer mean to divert game from engine old to Source 2. After a long journey, Dota 2 has finally officially become the world's first Source 2 game. Its very surprising and unannounced release was made on September 10, 2015.

Apart from Source 2, Update Reborn presents UI new and Custom Games modes. Some changes were applied to the design dashboards, browser and Spectating client, then the friends list is integrated into home. Valve plans to continue releasing updates periodically to deal with bugs that appear, while refining Reborn based on player input.

The most unique aspect of the launch of Dota 2 Reborn is the way Valve has responded to it as a Update usual, no massive announcements and constructive efforts hyping. Maybe this was intentional, so gamer don't feel disappointed if they run into trouble. Or maybe Gabe Newell and his friends don't want to feel burdened. Reborn comes without hero new, balancing patches, or maybe website special.

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On the more technical side, Reborn offers a boost in terms of graphics and visual quality, he emphasized latency level, and ensure Dota 2 is more optimal when played from computers withlow-end hardware. Custom Games itself is the reason many people participate in the event beta Reborn. The idea was adapted from the community, with the premise of presenting a new flavor in the competitive ecosystem of Dota 2.

Custom Games can be accessed from the menu hub. You can immediately see the 10 most popular 'games', and who your friends are enjoying. If you like, you can give rating high, recommend it to friends, and bookmark it for future play. Every Custom Games has a dedicated page. You are welcome to create or browsing the lobby, as well as being a spectator of the match.

Want to try it right away? Dota 2 'Reborn' you can download and play for free via Steam.

With Ars Technica. Source: Dota 2 Blog.