1. Startups

Two Months Towards SparxUp 2013

In two months we will be holding another conference startup, SparxUp. Having previously always been held in Jakarta, this time SparxUp will be held near the beach with a warm sun as well as a fun location for surfing, yes we will hold it in Bali. The SparxUp Awards and Conference will take place from November 14-15, so please pack all your necessities and don't forget to include sunblock.

Just like last year, we will reward startup the best in Indonesia and at the same time discuss trends, progress, developments, and issues that affect the dynamics startup Indonesia in the conference session.

Currently registered eleven speaker including managing director of Rocket Internet for Southeast Asia, Stefan Jung, Daniel Tumiwa, former country manager of Multiply currently in charge of Garuda Indonesia's e-commerce division, Mark Wang, director of the Global Entrepreneurship Program Indonesia, Jayde Lovell, vice president of digital Weber Shandwick, as well as several CEOs of technology-based companies and startup in Indonesia.

Taking place at Westin Hotels and Resorts, Nusa Dua, the event will take place on Thursdays and Fridays, so you can enjoy your weekend exploring Bali.

We would like to thank Infinys System as a platinum sponsor. In addition, to Grupara Inc. and Tiket.com as silver sponsor. For those of you who are willing to be our partner in the 2013 SparxUp event, this is an opportunity sponsorship still open. Please just send an email to Rahmat Harlyadie (rahmat@dailysocial.net).

For participants, early ticket for $350 can be obtained on the SparxUp site thanks to a collaboration with our friend, Tiket.com. If you want to register startup You to participate in the SparxUp Awards, please fill in this form and send it to us. The 2013 SparxUp award is limited to companies engaged in technology or Internet-based, founded in 2010, in Indonesia, or by Indonesians.

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