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Definition of Text in Indonesian: Types and Their Structure

Text is a series of writings composed of various words. Text has several types that can distinguish it, the following is an explanation.

In Indonesian, it describes a text as a text that explains the original words of the author. Texts have different types, structures and interests.

Each arrangement of the text can provide different explanations and purposes depending on the point of view of events that the author wants to convey. Below is a further explanation of the meaning of the text that you can understand, as follows:

Definition of Text

Text is an essence that has a form or appearance as a language, meaning that text is a language that is created through the formation of discourse. Text making is usually done based on the content or context that will be the topic of discussion.

Text is usually used as a type of communication delivery, it can also be understood that text is defined as part of communication. Text can be interpreted as a form of expression in the form of language which is carried out through the contents of a message.

The content in a text is related to the content of the text or the message conveyed in the form of the language in the text. In other words, the text can also be understood as an event that involves communication as a standard of textuality and verbal records.

Text Types

Text is divided based on its types, here are some types of text:

1. Descriptive Text

Descriptive text is a text that contains an explanatory explanation of an event in more detail and clearly. This type of text will try to explain events that can be felt, such as sight, smell and hearing related to an object, place or even an event that occurs.

Descriptive text can be understood as a text that is able to provide an overview for the reader, so that the reader will also feel what is meant and explained in the text. 

2. Explanatory Text

The type of explanatory text is a text that contains an article that explains causes and effects and processes regarding a topic or phenomenon that occurs. In general, the explanations given by explanatory texts will be related to each other logically or make sense.

3. Persuasive Text

This type of text contains writing that aims to be able to persuade and influence other people to act according to what the author wants. The point is that persuasive text contains messages that are inviting readers about something.

Persuasive texts are generally prepared by explaining a phenomenon or problem which is the main topic, then the text will contain various arguments or offers that will be given to the reader and the text will contain a sentence of affirmation or persuasion to convince the reader.

4. Narrative Text

Narrative text is a text relating to a series of events told in narrative form. Narrative is an essay made to describe a series of events clearly, narrative text can also be understood as a story which basically involves a series of times to adjust the sequence of events that occur.

The types of narrative text can be distinguished based on the elements in the text, such as the background time, place, character, atmosphere, storyline, atmosphere and so on. In narrative text, a problem or conflict is also described through a series of events. Conflicts that exist in narrative texts can also be fact or fiction, this will depend on the purpose of the writer.

5.Text News

News text is a text that contains a set of news, in general, this text provides an image or story based on facts and not contrived. News text is a text that contains the aim of reporting a phenomenon or event clearly.

The preparation of the type of news text must be based on facts and may not be arbitrary by the author. News text contains an event that is considered important, actual, factual, interesting and also has value to be reported to the public. 

Text Structure

Text based on its type also has several different explanatory structures and is able to represent the writing of a type of text. The following is the text structure based on its type:

1.Descriptive Text Structure

As explained earlier that descriptive text is a text that explains an event in detail and clearly. The arrangement of the structure in this text is divided into two parts, namely:

  • Identification, is a text prefix that functions to start and connect the text to the explanation of the next event. Identification is used as the reader's initial process regarding the flow of events in the text.
  • Description, is the content of descriptive text which explains events in more detail and clearly.

2. Explanative Text Structure

The structure of an explanatory text has three parts, as explained earlier that an explanatory text is a text that explains something related to a cause and effect. The following is the structure in explanatory text:

  • General statement, is the initial part that states the event in general.
  • Cause and effect, explaining the causes and effects of topics or events that occur in a text.
  • Interpretation, the process of interpreting text messages about an event that has occurred. 

3. Persuasive Text Structure

The structure of persuasive text has four parts, where each part has a role that helps the persuasive text to be more structured and directed.

  • Issue, discusses the problem or topic to be discussed in the text.
  • Argument, providing a number of arguments on the topic of events that occurred in various ways such as providing facts, data or even experience.
  • Invitation sentence, include a sentence that contains an invitation to the reader. Usually this invitation will have more influence if the topic or problem occurs recounts or experienced by the reader. 
  • Reaffirmation, include a sentence reaffirming about a topic. Usually this sentence can contain a sentence which states what the consequences will be if someone is not moved by the invitation given or it can also be in other forms of sentences.

4. Narrative Text Structure

The narrative text structure is divided into four parts in the preparation of a text.

  • Orientation, is the part that explains the background of the start of an event.
  • Complications, is a part that contains problems or conflicts related to the events told in the narrative text.
  • Resolution, the part that contains the ending of the story and determines whether it ends happily or not.
  • Tail, is also an important part of the narrative text because it contains values ​​and advice that can be taken by the reader as a lesson from the story fragments of the narrative text.

5. News Text Structure

  • Headline, discusses the title of a news text. Giving the title of the news must be in accordance with the topic to be discussed in the text.
  • Lead, discusses the opening prefix in a news article. On lead or news headlines are usually arranged as important information that explains the 5W + 1H elements (What, who, when, why, where and how). This is to explain what events are happening and are reported in a news text.
  • Bodysuit, regarding further discussion related to news, usually it will explain various chronologies or acknowledgments of related parties that will support or add information in a news text. 
  • Foot News, is information that is in the last position and contains information that is less important than the previous discussion. In news text, this section also functions as the closing of a news story.

So, that's information about the meaning of the text to the structure of the text that can be used as a reference for reading sources and guidelines in understanding how to make a text based on its type. Hopefully this information can add to your insight and be useful.

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