Bima, a skilled Mandarin teacher who can open horizons to the land of bamboo

Bima, a skilled Mandarin teacher who can open horizons to the land of bamboo

Who says learning Mandarin means you have to be of Chinese descent or have a thick wallet? Since SMA Bima Prakosa, Cakap Mandarin Language Teacher, has shown his love and talent for the world of languages ​​even though he has no foreign blood. So since then he has studied various language classes, from German, Japanese to Mandarin. He continues to love languages ​​even though he does not attend an international standard educational institution that teaches foreign languages. He deepened his interest during college by taking the Mandarin Language Department at UNS Solo. Hey, why do you speak Mandarin?

Do you know? China stands out as one of the countries with the strongest economy in the world. In this way, the need for individuals who are able to communicate with business partners from China is increasingly high among multinational companies. Moreover, China has an increasingly large population, reaching 1,4097 billion. So the possibility of using this language is very large, considering that apart from the facts above, there are so many people of Chinese descent spread across various countries. Here are some reasons why Mandarin is one of the keys to Go international and opens the way to join the global realm.

Because of this background, Bima was even willing to fly to the Bamboo Curtain Country and continue his education there. But it's not as easy as turning the palm of your hand. Of course, Bima must prepare himself financially, mentally and academically. For example, he has to take a Mandarin language test called HSK aka Hanyu Shuiping Kaoshi, which is an official Mandarin language certification. HSK is like taking the IELTS or TOEFL test for English. To be fluent in language and writing, a minimum HSK score of level 4 is required with the highest score being 300, and of course because of his perseverance he managed to graduate and pursue his dream.

Being able to speak Mandarin can also provide other benefits besides broadening or deepening relationships with colleagues or businesses from Panda Country. Bima has been able to expand his development by becoming a Mandarin teacher at Cakap since 2022. This not only provides interesting experience, but also helps his financial condition by having more income. The teaching process also opened Bima's eyes to the fact that there are still obstacles for Indonesians to learn Mandarin, namely the perception that the language is complicated and difficult, and the need for the relevance of mastering the language to their lives. “Still affordable for many people and new people booming now, because most of them think Mandarin is difficult. Well, it's not wrong, because the characters are different. But, grammar and grammar are more or less the same. "Then, only recently have many people started to feel it makes sense to learn Mandarin because many businesses and business decisions use this language," said Bima. He also believes that the ability to speak Mandarin can actually develop our personal and work potential to a greater extent.

So, after reading the explanation above, of course we will understand more about the benefits of mastering Mandarin. By continuing to inspire and contribute to the people around him, Bima Prakosa is one of the figures who plays a key role in shaping a future where learning Mandarin becomes more affordable and valuable for everyone. Through his efforts, he not only opened pintu for educational opportunities, but also for broader economic, social and cultural growth.

By following in Bima Prakosa's footsteps, we can all learn that the true value of strategic language learning lies not only in language skills themselves, but also in the opportunity to broaden our horizons, understand different cultures, improve our financial situation, and even open pintu careers for a more inclusive and sustainable future.

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