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Wolfram Presents Cloud Version of Their Advanced Computing Software, Mathematica Online

Mathematica is a counters used in various fields of science, engineering, computers to - as the name suggests - mathematics. Created by theoretical physicist Stephen Wolfram, Methematica is admired for its elegance and ease of use. After years of development, Wolfram launched a version online-New.

Software It utilizes a programming language called Wolfram Language. Its scope is very wide, it is designed to be used for all needs such as creating graphics and sound visualization, analyzing 3D plane models to solving differential calculus problems.

Mathematica has been in use for over 25 years, and earlier this week, it was finally available online cloud. You just need to open browser favorite, then log-in, Mathematica can be directly accessed without the need setting configuration. No matter the type the device, you can directly create documents computable, process text, graphics and others interactively.


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Because it is connected via an internet connection, Mathematica Online is not as smooth as the desktop version. For example the Manipulate function, the process may not be as fast as there. But thanks to the expansion of support Computable document format interface (CDF) in the system cloud, you can directly include it on the page website without need Plugin addition.

With system cloud, fillet and your documents are saved online, and different from the desktop version, it allows users to access it from anywhere. Amazingly, we can give permission to other users to open it. For example, a professor may create a notebook in cloud for the students to copy, and they will get Update latest after the professor added/edited the contents.

Not only notebook and regular PCs, Mathematica Online also supports devices mobile devices. Wolfram's team is concocting a app containing interface Basic Mathematica Online for tablets and smartphone. But what if we already have desktop software-his? Stephen Wolfram urges you to try it too. Both types very seamlessly integrated: create fillet from the desktop, save it in Wolfram Cloud. Now it can be accessed everywhere.


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Wolfram explained, ever since Mathematica was introduced a quarter of a century ago, he had the intention that are widely available. And thanks to today's technology, that vision is finally being fulfilled. Mathematica Online paved the way for multiple users to collaborate, thus creating a 'digital' classroom. One more thing, fillet Mathematica Online can be downloaded and used online offline via desktop.

In the next few months, Stephen and the Wolfram Research team plan to launch similar technology-based products such as the Wolfram Discovery Platform and the Wolfram Data Science Platform.

Please visit websiteMathematica and Mathematica Online for more complete information. It is offered in various price variants, please see the list HERE. Mathematica version 10 itself is available at platform Windows, Mac & Linux.

Sumber: Wolfram Blog. Picture: Mathematica.Stackexchange.com.

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