1. Lifestyle

With Landscape Game, Agate Studio Invites Us to Preserve the Environment

Created as a means of interactive recreation, through a precise formula, video game It can also be a fun learning medium. Guided by this approach, there is something special about Agate Studio's latest game. The digital work is the result of the collaboration of the studio from Bandung with a researcher and professor of agriculture at IPB.

On December 3rd, the Landscape Game was launched, asking us the question: What would you do if you were given the capital and control over natural resources? The concept was adapted by Herry Purnomo of the Center for International Forestry Research and the Agate team in a game board and economic management a la Monopoly.

But while Monopoly only focuses on profit, Landscape Game challenges you to balance economic development activities and environmental conservation. Ranges also exemplifies some realistic methods so that profits can still be obtained, but not at the expense of the environment. Not only determined by the size of the asset, the game will also calculate the player's contribution to the environment: reducing emissions, providing food, and others.

In the Landscape Game, there will be choices to be made. For example, chopping down a tree to make a big profit, or guarding it; clearing forests to open oil palm plantations, or opening eco-friendly guesthouses. Ignoring the preservation of nature opens the risk of huge losses in the event of a natural disaster.


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The unique feature in Landscape Game is one gamer can play as Government - play a role in providing incentives, subsidies, managing taxes and implementing various regulations to maintain a balance between conservation and development. Government can be likened to Gamemaster in games role playing or Bank in Monopoly. No wonder, considering the background of the Landscape Game that started from board game.

Landscape Game was actually created in 2008 in the form of a physical toy, using boards, pawns and dice. He is popular among academics, activists of non-profit organizations, as well as environmental care communities, both in Indonesia and internationally. Demand is growing, and the Center for International Forestry Research is overwhelmed. Finally they decided to create a digital version.

Ranges it can be enjoyed alone or together with up to five people. One match lasts from 30 minutes to two hours. You can download Landscape Game from Google Play for device Android, or play it live on the site CIFOR.org via browser.

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