1. Lifestyle

Wisageni Games Brings Dangdut to Android with Non-stop Ngamen Games

Taking the clicker genre which is currently quite popular in the country

Wisageni Games, which is game studio from Yogyakarta, trying to bring dangdut music into the game for Android. Ranges entitled Ngamen Nonstop invites you to become a superstar by starting your musical career as a busker.

Non-stop singing clicker genre which is quite popular in the country. Trying to follow the success of Tahu Bulat, Ngamen Nonstop brings a different feel even though it is still very thick with local content. Presented with 3D graphics and sweet animations, Ngamen Nonstop has the potential to achieve success in Indonesia.

Like clicker games In general, the player's objective is to earn as much income as possible by doing upgrade. In Ngamen Nonstop, several things that users can do upgrade is the character, the facilities on the bus, and also the bus route.

Upgrade What you do will make your income bigger and will also provide a more attractive visual appearance. This visual display can also be captured and shared to show off to our other friends.

There are also several minigames interesting to add variety of clicker games which is the main mechanic. Use of accelerometer to replace features tap tap on the screen or to finish mini game makes players feel like they're swaying to play game nuances of this dangdut.

With execution quality game good, Nonstop Ngamen is one of the game potentially multiple users on Google Play. With local content that is presented creatively, it can certainly attract quite a lot of players game in Indonesia. Please download gameher in Google Play for free.

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