1. Startups

What Later-Stage Startups Expect When They're Expecting Investors

From DailySocial mini survey, investors' track records and global investment networks are the most expected keywords

Aside from capital, there are many other inquiries and criteria that startup founders look for in investors. It particularly happens for later-stage startups in Series A, B, and C. This is the finding that DailySocial obtained from a mini survey of some startup founders at a particular stage. We also conduct short polls on this topic on Twitter and LinkedIn.

Why do we narrow it down to Series A, B, and C startups? This is because the startups in this phase have gained traction, secured a customer base, and are starting to plan for scale-up or business expansion. This means that they will have more complex criteria along with business growth, and are no longer glued to capital alone.

A different hypothesis might arise as it is compared to the early-stage startups, where capital is necessary to develop products/services. The goal is to get customers and find out whether the product/service has been accepted by the market (market-fit).

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