1. Lifestyle

Watch WWDC 2015 Together in Bandung

Apple Fanboys in the city of Bandung and its surroundings, let's gather and watch the Worldwide Developers Conference (WWDC) 2015 event on June 8, 2015.

The WWDC 2015 event itself is a regular event held by Apple, usually there will be several new things announced by the company led by Tim Cook.

The event will be held today, June 8, 2015 starting at 8 pm until the early hours of the morning (the WWDC event itself will usually be heldstreaming midnight). The location of the event at Whatever Coffee Lab, Jl. Hasanudin 28, Dipatiukur, Bandung.

The event is open to the public and free of charge, Trenology readers who wish to attend need to fill in the data in an accessible form at this link for site preparation purposes.

In addition to watching together, events organized by MakeMac and powered by idGeekGirls, Dycode, iKaskus, ProCodeCG and this Trenology session will also be enlivened sharing and networking fellow community.

So, don't miss it, let's meet and watch WWDC 2015 together tomorrow. Register first HERE.

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