1. Startups

Veboo Working on Logistics Transportation Business for B2B Pasar Market

Offer an integrated transportation management system solution

The dynamic and volatile supply and demand in the logistics vehicle loan market, inspired Veboo as a platform for logistics vehicle providers to meet those in need. Veboo opens wide opportunities for people to choose and sort out the best services from vehicle provider who join the service.

Unlike other logistics services, Veboo is a marketplace that offers solutions transportation management system to improve the delivery process.

Reluctant to go hunting for the already crowded retail market, Veboo instead directs its focus to the Business-to-Business (B2B) segment.

"Veboo doesn't fight for small fish on the beach, but Veboo ventures into the middle of the sea to get big fish," said Veboo founder Harun Taufik and his team who have experience in the transportation sector by selling vehicle monitoring and management services through an integrated system.

The integrated system allows Veboo the opportunity to explore the Internet of Things concept in its fleet which is capable of monitoring operations which ultimately increase efficiency such as fuel sensor solutions, built-in loads, cameras, RFID, LCD screens, and so on.

“Many technology companies offer logistics solutions, but they are still limited and cannot be integrated with tracking system. The needs of logistics companies for small to large scales still require solutions that facilitate their operations, even some bona fide companies in Indonesia are often required to customize the applications offered so that they can be integrated with fleet management system,” said Harun about the differentiator that Veboo offers.

According to Harun, the vehicle provider companies that partner with Veboo are all lines of transportation business, such as trucks, trailers, low beds, car rentals, motorbike rentals, to ship providers. Regarding pricing and fee schemes, Veboo has set various variations and various models although partners are also offered with pricing flexibility in pricing if desired.

Veboo in beta has been presented to several logistics and e-commerce companies, and they also received input to be able to specifically issue specific e-commerce companies' needs.

Later, vehicle seekers as Veboo users will not be charged any fees forever. Users will be served directly by the vehicle provider without Veboo's intervention or administrative costs involved in similar activities.

In addition to convenience and competitive prices, Harun said that his party also serves by embedding facilities online checking of every item brought by the vehicle provider for security purposes.

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