1. Startups

Utilizing the Crowdfunding Platform for Social Activities and Business Capital

Learn from the #Tuesdaystartup session with IndoGiving CMO Jessica Sugandi

Platform through crowdfunding now it has become an alternative for communities, individuals and communities to raise funds independently. Starting from the cost of education, health, business capital to social events. Backed by technology, transparency and security on offer through crowdfunding considered more relevant.

One of the services through crowdfunding who try tocater the need is IndoGiving, platforms through crowdfunding which was only established 5 months ago and targets users from the millennial circle.

"The main reason why we target millennials is because in the future they will be the leaders in Indonesia. In addition, we also want to familiarize millennials to 'share' as part of their lifestyle," said IndoGiving CMO Jessica Sugandi in the #Tuesdaystartup session. DailySocial.

In Indonesia, there are currently many platforms through crowdfunding that can be used by the public. Starting from We can, Hand in hand, Indiegogo, Collage and many more. All have communities, organizations to active users.

IndoGiving emphasized that the difference it has compared to other platforms is the concept of "synergy" which is prioritized over collaboration.

"With synergy, everyone can take part without any part for each. At IndoGiving we prioritize transparency, starting from the donor's data to payment gateway that we use," said Jessica.

Recognizing the importance of growing trust in users and donors, IndoGiving also ensures that from the process, procedures to community selection, organizations that want to take advantage of the IndoGiving platform are well curated and supported by technology.

OJK support for platforms through crowdfunding

Currently, not only social and educational needs, through crowdfunding also began to be widely used by SMEs to startups to get additional capital.

Seeing this opportunity, the Financial Services Authority (OJK) then provided space for small companies with a capital of less than Rp. 30 billion to raise funds from the public outside the capital market. This mechanism is called Crowdfunding Service through information technology-based stock offerings equity crowdfunding.

OJK has issued related regulations through crowdfunding through technology-based stock offerings. This rule is contained in POJK Number 37/POJK.04/2018 on December 31, 2018.

Through this regulation, OJK explains that as a supervisory authority, it applies a -based supervision approach market conduct on crowdfunding activities. With this approach, OJK encourages the disclosure of information by publishers, the formation of a credible provider, and the establishment of a secure and reliable IT system in crowdfunding activities.

Responding to the rules that have been released by the OJK, Bekraf also welcomes the decision. So that it can create more opportunities for SMEs to develop their business, utilizing the platform through crowdfunding.

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