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Minister of Communication and Informatics Rudiantara considers the dissemination of understanding of cyber security to be more urgent than the formation of a national cyber agency

Kominfo has planned a detailed concept of cyber security which will be completed this October

Some time ago there was news that the government was preparing a National Cyber ​​Agency to deal with cyber problems in line with the growth of online penetration in Indonesia. But for the Minister of Communication and Information, Rudiantara, the formation of the agency not an urgent need. He is more interested in prioritizing the socialization of increasing awareness of digital actors towards cybersecurity itself.

"The agency (National Cyber ​​Agency) if it can be formed tomorrow, I will form it tomorrow. But that's not the problem, because the socialization must take place first. There are still many stakeholder who do not understand what cyber security is," said Rudiantara as reported from CNN Indonesia.

Furthermore, Rudiantara explained that cyber crime is divided into two sectors: defense (defense/military) and non-defense. Kominfo under its coordination will focus on the non-defense, including real sectors such as transportation, electricity, banking or finance.

"The 6 to 8 sectoral priorities, outside defence. Why do we standardize? Because this cyber security issue is not a monopoly of Indonesia, other countries too," said Rudiantara.

Rudiantara also stated that the establishment of the National Cyber ​​Agency was not his priority. He prefers more pressing cyber issues as they are cyber desk at Polhukam the concept was promised to be completed in October.

"When it comes to the formation of the National Cyber ​​Agency, I don't focus on when it will be completed. But the cyber issue is more urgent, and there are cyber desk in Polhukam. In October, a more detailed and comprehensive concept of cyber security will be completed," said Rudiantara.

Still reported from source same, the concept that Rudiantara promised would take the form of blue print or The roadmap government that regulates cybersecurity issues. Regarding this, Rudiantara said that the national cyber security plan did not only come from Kominfo but also involved several other parties such as the government, the private sector, including PANDI.

Indeed, understanding the concept of cyber security and the National Cyber ​​Agency is something that Indonesia needs. In the digital age of action espionage can be done more easily by countries, groups or individuals who have mastered the technology. If Indonesia does not immediately prepare and care about security, train Indonesia as a habitat for malware and cyber attacks can continue and even result in something fatal. Moreover, the population of internet users and computing technology in Indonesia continues to grow.

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