1. Entrepreneur

How much is the initial capital to join Warung Pintar?

Find out the initial capital to join as Warung Pintar here.

Joining Warung Pintar is the way you can choose to upgrade your warung business becomes a more 'smart' shop by utilizing digital technology. To start this journey, it must have crossed your mind about the initial capital you need to spend when joining Warung Pintar.

Don't worry! This article will answer that question for you.

Warung Pintar's Initial Capital



Before entering into the discussion of capital, you should first understand how it works or the registration flow at Warung Pintar.

If you are interested upgrade By becoming a Warung Pintar, you can register in the Warung Pintar application first. Smart Shop Registration consists of 2 stages, namely the registration and verification stages.

If you have completed the Warung Pintar registration process. Then, you can start using all the features at Warung Pintar including shopping for your stall stock needs through the Warung Pintar application.

For registration, Warung Pintar does not charge a penny. You can enjoy all the stages of registration and also the features in Warung Pintar for free. The only stage where you need capital is when you place an order at Warung Pintar because you have to pay for the order when the order has arrived at your place.

Considering that this initial capital is used to shop for stall needs, the nominal can vary depending on how much stock you order.

You can start a Warung Pintar business with a capital of 200 thousand, 300 thousand, to millions of rupiah depending on your wishes.

The conclusion that can be drawn is that there is no specific initial capital amount if you want to join Warung Pintar. This initial capital is used to meet the needs of your shop. In addition to stall needs, you can enjoy all the facilities, features, services for free from Warung Pintar.

Hope the above information answers your question. If you are interested in upgrade your business and join Warung Pintar, you can start by downloading the Warung Pintar application HERE. Good luck!

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