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Storytelling Is: Good and Interesting Definition, Examples, Functions, Techniques and Stages

Storytelling will help you build self-confidence even in today's conditions Storytelling is very useful not only in the world of education but also in the world of work.

Most people need to tell a story in front of a large number of people be it pictures, audio or words. This storytelling activity is usually taught since elementary school (SD). We seem proud to tell our life story, but sometimes we are nervous because we have to tell it in front of so many people.

However, finding ourselves nervous will in fact help us gain the confidence to speak in front of a large audience. Therefore, telling stories in front of many people is sometimes used as a learning method to build students' self-confidence.

The ability to tell stories must be owned by everyone, even if it is not done in front of many people. Telling stories makes it easier for someone to express their thoughts and then produce stories. This ability is called storytelling.

So that you know more deeply about what it is storytelling, functions, and good and interesting storytelling techniques, you can read the article below!

Definition Storytelling

Storytelling consists of two words viz story (story) and telling (narration). in short, storytelling is a storytelling activity. The person who performs this activity is called storyteller (storyteller, storyteller). Traditionally, storytelling told orally.

Storytelling This can also be done with the help of various tools and media. For example, writers who use paper, books, even blogs to tell stories, musicians who use songs to tell stories, even designers who use clothes to tell stories.

According to HubSpot, storytelling is art. There is no process, method or technique. Storytelling is the art of speaking or telling stories.

Like any other art, this activity requires creativity, vision, skill and practice. Story telling cannot be captured in one session after the course.

Storytelling has become an essential part of today's most successful marketing strategies. Because it distinguishes a dynamic brand from a simple business. It becomes an invaluable tool for marketing techniques. You have to create a beautiful story that will captivate audience.

Story telling is an ancient art form that has its place in every culture and society. Why? Because stories are a universal language that everyone can understand, regardless of dialect, origin or place of origin. It sparks imagination and passion and creates a sense of community between the listener and the storyteller.

Function Storytelling

To make it easier for you to explore storytelling, the next discussion is function storytelling. Now let's talk about some of its functions: 

  1. Help improve one's imagination through oral stories or media. By giving happiness, people forget sadness.
  2. Telling stories builds vocabulary and sentences so that you are good at composing sentences that are pleasant to hear and read.
  3. Helps add to someone's insight. Listening to or reading stories will provide new insights and perspectives in assessing problems.
  4. Helps improve focus. This is to ensure that the reader or listener focuses on the story being told, orally or in writing.
  5. Storytelling serves to obtain moral values ​​that can be applied in everyday life.

Skills storytelling also very useful in the world of work, such as:

  1. copywriter is one of the most popular jobs today. Apart from writing articles, they usually write articles for social media and even to promote their brand. In this case, the ability to tell stories does not have to be oral, but can also be written to convey the right message to the audience.
  2. Presentation. In addition to public speaking skills, you also need storytelling skills when making presentations. It wasn't used all the time, but it helped keep things less tense.

Technical Storytelling Good and Attractive


Sparklines is a storytelling technique in which someone explains the difference between an event on the ground and a wish or wish, and then explains the steps to be taken to make that wish come true.

The focus of this technique is to be able to understand what the problem is. Then we also need to find solutions to overcome these problems.

The goal of the technique sparkline itself is to influence the emotional side of the listener or reader to want to follow the solution you offer.

False Start

False start As the name suggests, this storytelling technique departs from mistakes and failures that have occurred in the past. This failure leads to innovation or the creation of solutions so that the original causes of failure are not repeated.

Technical start false generally refers to the stories and experiences of people who failed in the past but are finally succeeding today. The goal is very clear. It means motivating audience and emphasized that failure is the beginning of success, not the end.


The last technique is called Moneyth. The narrator who uses this technique more or less tells the story of a warrior who leaves his homeland and travels a long way to reach his goal.

After that, the hero returned to his village and became a useful figure in society. Technique monomyth it is meant to excite the listener or reader.

Deep stages Storytelling

A. Preparation before storytelling

The first and most important thing is to choose a catchy and memorable title. To choose a title, you need to sort story material side by side. After getting a story, storyteller need to study the characters in the story to gain power.

B. Storytelling In Progress

  1. Eye contact. The narrator must be able to master all audience through sight.
  2. Facial expression. Expressions and facial expressions are adapted to the situation of the character being read. Sadly, storytellers can also show sad faces and even cry, laugh, and rejoice.
  3. Move your body. Gestures and gestures are also important when telling a story and support the story being told.
  4. Suara. Pronunciation of tone when telling a story is very important because it is the main capital for maintaining the continuity of storytelling activities.
  5. Speed. The speed in question is about telling stories that need to be adjusted to ability audience in understanding a story.
  6. Attribute. There are many kinds of media props that can be used in storytelling activities. For example puppets, finger puppets, hand puppets and many others.

C. After Storytelling

This stage is the stage where storyteller evaluate the story and invite listeners to emulate the values ​​that have been learned previously from the story. Apart from that, you can also ask questions or give opportunities to viewers who don't understand the story.

Those are some things you need to know about storytelling. Studying storytelling is expected to broaden your horizons and arouse your interest in becoming a person storyteller. Especially storytelling now it's not just storytelling and storytelling because it can already be used in education as a learning method, in the world of work, or in business to promote products.

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