1. DScovery

Startups Can Provide Great Solutions for Many People

In order to have a massive impact, ideally solutions are generated to solve big problems

Solving big problems is easier than solving little problems
- Sergey Brin, Co-Founder of Google

Inspiration to start a startup doesn't have to come from a big boardroom and budget. The best ideas often come in everyday activities, be it on the go, in the doctor's waiting room, or in line. All it takes to make a difference is vision to see the problem and determination to provide the best solution.

Providing solutions can start from a small scale. However, in order for startups to provide impact massive, ideally a solution is generated to solve a large problem.

At one point, Uber, Airbnb, or Gojek is a startup inspired by everyday problems. That's how most of the big and amazing startup ideas are born.

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