1. Startups

Deeper Understanding "Design Sprint", Today's Fast Work Techniques

The product secrets of Google, Netflix, Slack, Facebook, Airbnb, Spotify are very fast to be accepted by customers in a relatively short time

Kata agile increasingly recognized since digital startups wriggled. However, this word undergoes semantic diffusion due to lack of understanding. Unfortunately, it is oftenabuse for the wrong purpose by certain circles. Agile can actually be applied in full when using a technique, known as sprint design.

This working technique was discovered by Jake Knapp, Design Partner GV (formerly Google Ventures). Since then, the Google guerrilla, followed by other big technology companies, has succeeded in launching products that can be accepted by the wider community in a relatively short time.

To DailySocial, Head of Department of Digital Growth Asset Telkomsel Vishnu Ario Supadmono display sprint design is a technical way of working to answer critical questions in business and innovation through design, prototyping and testing ideas with users for immediate feedback.

Purpose of doing sprint design is to speed up the work process when finding ideation commonly used in traditional work methods. This is the cause of the traditional way of working, making product development slow, because it must be studied. Cannot be directly tested on users.

Source: Wisnu Ario Supadmo

sprint design allow that. Products can be directly tested by users in limited numbers, through prototypes that resemble the original product. After being tested, the product will be able to input and can be immediately repaired because it has found where the problem is. Here the term "success fast or fail fast" can be directly proven.

"This is why Google can move quickly and its products can be immediately accepted by the public, because they use this technique," said Wisnu.

Companies that apply traditional ways of working usually take months to develop a product and test it on the market. This ranges from six months to a year, depending on the complexity. However, if you apply sprint design, the company only needs a maximum of one week to test directly to the market.

Of course for this company is very efficient because it does not need to spend more development costs. Even during that time, the prototype (similar to the original product) can be directly tested by users to find out whether they like it or not.

Terms sprint design

Before plunging into sprint design, there are requirements that must be understood. Need to be followed by between seven to nine people in a team, with different backgrounds, requires designer, engineer, businessman, decision maker and most importantly guided by a facilitator (masters sprints).

Masters sprints is a figure who facilitates so that the process sprint design it happened. He is the one who determines how long it will take sprint design This is done because it looks at the needs of various stakeholders. Masters sprints are also required to have experience regarding user experience who understands when giving a product what it should look like. He also needs to have official certification.

At least, the members who entered in sprint design are people who have been involved in previous projects or share a common understanding.

"Masters sprints certified with no difference. Better need to be certified because he will running from zero to prototypes, from big ideas to customer testing. It's all in-running Dalam sprint design and facilitated by masters sprints."

Vishnu himself already has a certificate masters sprints from Sprint Creator in Berlin, Germany.

Phase circuit sprint design

Source: SprintCube

There are five stages that occur in one cycle design splasht. On first day, enter the introductory phase (introducing). On that day, everyone must get acquainted and agree together what goals they want to get from sprint design this.

What big problem are they trying to solve? If so, then what are the obstacles that will arise when taking the goal. It was all formulated together so that everyone was on the same path.

Next, enter the understanding phase (u) is marked by inviting experts who are able to explain about the big problem to be solved. From here, it is hoped that all members will have the same understanding about goals, challenges, setting KPIs and targets for when the product is released.

Entered into the second day, called phase ideation. Here all members are required to issue all ideas, from small to big ideas. Interestingly, there is a technique how to come up with a lot of 70 ideas in an hour, called Crazy 8.

That is, each person provides eight ideas in 15 minutes or at most an hour. For example, there are eight members in a team, so within one hour you will collect 64 ideas.

"From all the ideas that come out there will be a big idea as to what. Everyone has to give ideas because there are no bad ideas."

The third day continues with the selection phase of ideas obtained yesterday. All members may choose an idea as long as it is in accordance with the mutually agreed goals. From here will come out a big idea that will be worked on.

If you pay attention, the stage of emergence ideation this was not done on the first day. This is where the most striking difference between sprint design the traditional way of working. If ideation the first time the meeting, it will be wild because of the different understanding of goals.

Design sprints vs traditional work / SprintCube

"If ideationfirst, so [the idea that came out] was wild because there was no one understanding. Temporary sprint design, before starting, everyone must understand what will be created. Everyone on the team must have the same understanding."

Next in the fourth day, is phase prototyping make mock up product to be tested on users. If the prototype made is an application, there is tools which can be used and can be completed in one day. Among them use Marvel, Figma and Principle.

Finally into the last day, fifth day. This is the time mock up the product is tested directly to users in limited quantities. When there is input, whether it is positive or negative, it can be corrected immediately.

In a series of five days, the team has been able to learn, already has a prototype, the next idea that can be done, can know at what point consumers don't like or like it and so on. All this information cannot be obtained at all when using traditional methods.

sprint design 2.0

Source: Wisnu Ario Supadmo

In upgrade from sprint design this, there is no significant difference. Only completion time sprint design which is shorter to four than . No phase is removed, but instead it is sealed without compromising its quality.

Phase ideation and the selection of ideas combined into one day. Meanwhile in sprint design 1.0, both are split to two different days. The rest is no different. The term 2.0 is officially used globally. Meanwhile, if the above version is found, it is only limited to personal modifications.

Is there a sign when version 2.0 should this be done? It depends on the readiness of the team members. Also, how masters sprints manage the time allocation, if you have certification it will be easier because you already have experience so it is more flexible.

"I've been through it myself sprint design from 1 day, 2 days, 4 days, some even two hours. If sprint master has experience, he will see the key first, what can be overhauled and estimate the time."

All kinds of benefits sprint design

1. Cultivating a culture of innovation

Design sprint activities in Telkomsel / Vishnu Ario Supadmono

Many companies are looking for innovation and how to provide the structure and tools that will enable teams to discover the next big thing. This can all be fully facilitated by sprint design. Mostly because of its simplicity and the impact on the quality of the work of the team.

In addition, it helps you to know the capacity of team members because the team will be encouraged to issue ideas appropriately and directed.

2. Can be applied to all needs

sprint design can be applied by conventional companies, not only for digital companies or startups who want to innovate. Even outside of innovation, for example, for the formulation of legal policies and advertising.

Vishnu gave an example of one of the products from Telkomsel made with sprint design is a Loopkita application and features daily check-in in the My appTelkomsel.

3. Visibility and alignment

Watches sprint design In progress, team members with different skills and backgrounds sit together to face challenges that break down hierarchical boundaries in the company's organization. The partnership started from day one, when exploring customer insights and in-depth research.

By unpacking all the information collectively, the entire team will have visibility into the same data points. These insights are very important to align the team on a common goal.

4. Minimal risk, get user input before it's too late

sprint design help companies build products that people actually use. In no time, he'll be directing the team to prototypes that can be tested to users and get immediate feedback.

If the response is not satisfactory, the team still has plenty of time to make a more informed decision through sprint next. If in the end it decides to close, there is also nothing to lose because the company has not spent a large amount of money on development.

If the price of potential failure or success is high, it might be worth experimenting with sprint design. Your hypothesis will be validated, so that in the end you and your team will know which way to turn.

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5. No need tools mahal

Source: SprintCube

Please note, when doing sprint design, the equipment needed is quite simple. Simply prepare colorful sticky paper, sharpie pens, A4 paper, scissors, dot-shaped stickers, masking tape and so on. All needed for the first day to the third day.

If the product you want to make is in the form of an application, you just use a laptop with tools accessible prototype. Of course, this will make the cost of the company in product development much more efficient.

6. Working hours eight hours a day

Don't imagine when you enter the team sprint design have to work 24 hours every day or something like following hackathon. Very far from that because it prioritizes team collaboration. In fact, his working hours are quite normal, eight hours every day. Although short, this work is very brain draining.

Scientifically, eight hours is the maximum time the brain can work. Therefore, members need to be given healthy nutrition to stay fit. Not surprisingly, Google's office provides an employee canteen with a healthy food menu.

7. Tips: Pay attention sweetspot

Sweet spot/medium.com/retrorabbit

This was done before sprint design starting on the first day. sweet spot is a position to keep members from going too far to make ideas not too focused on one party only. If this happens, it is vulnerable to be rejected outright by the company.

Therefore, masters sprints must think about the intersection of what the customer wants, what the company wants, and the extent to which technology can afford it. When you find the common thread, the goals you get will be much more realistic.

Results of print design in the end it can be implemented, not just as a document.

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