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Investree P2P Lending Service Launches Investree Syariah

Applying sharia principles, has 313 total borrowers and 1340 sharia lenders

Financial technology services peer-to-peer lending (P2P Lending) investree (PT Investree Radhika Jaya) today (30/01) launched a new service in the form of Sharia P2P lending services. To the media, Investree's Co-Founder and CEO Adrian Gunadi said that the launch of this new service was a plan from Investree, after being registered under the supervision of the Financial Services Authority (OJK).

"We also see the great enthusiasm of the community towards the service fintech (Financial Technology) encourages us together with OJK and the National Sharia Council (DSN) to work on fatwa fintech financing  sharia-based which will be issued in the near future," said Adrian.

Later for the borrower (borrowers) and lenders (Actioncalendar) can apply sharia principles in terms of financing presented by sharia Investree. Investree has also coordinated with regulators such as OJK and DSN MUI to launch Investree Syariah services whose service trials have been carried out since last November 2017.

From the results of the trials that have been carried out, until January 2018 the amount of Investree sharia financing has reached Rp 2,7 billion with 313 total borrowers and 1340 Actioncalendar sharia.

"We hope that our scheme can be a reference for P2P service players lending others who want to develop sharia services. Not only that, Investree also wants to collaborate with other sharia businesses," said Adrian.

investree is a service fintech the first sharia to receive a Letter of Recommendation for the Appointment of a Sharia Expert Team from the National Sharia Council - Indonesian Ulema Council (MUI) to participate in designing, providing input, and supervising the operation of sharia-based products, as part of the process for the presence of a Sharia Fintech Fatwa in the near future. The recommendation letter also places Professor AH Azharuddin Lathif M.Ag MH, Lecturer of the Faculty of Sharia and Law, UIN Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta, as a special sharia technical advisor for Investree.

Benefits for borrowers and lenders carrying sharia principles

Sharia Investree is a sharia business service that is guaranteed using a bill or credit card invoice (invoice financing). In general, there are several advantages that are claimed to be obtained by borrowers and lenders if they utilize business financing with sharia principles. For borrowers, the benefits include facilities and services in accordance with sharia principles, so that borrowers can apply for financing safely, adhere to the concept of no usury and are guaranteed interest-free financing and additional fees.

Meanwhile, for lenders, the benefits that can be obtained are funding that is in accordance with sharia principles, the borrower will immediately receive a refund as well as income in the form of return on collection services paid by the lender without any fees, funding with measurable risks and financing funds offered. starting from 5 million Rupiah.

"We guarantee borrowers will be able to develop their business with business financing with easy procedures, based on sharia principles and credit scoring modern," said Adrian.

Fintech services open financial access for the public

Also present at the event were Muliaman D Haddad, a practitioner and observer of sharia economics and the chairman of the Sharia Economic Community. In his remarks, Muliaman revealed, the latest service presented by Investree not only provides open access to the public, but also serves as a reference for other players.

"Investree has taken advantage of opportunities that banks cannot do, namely providing easy online financing services with sharia principles, which will soon be issued by the MUI DSN. Thus, this service can then become national," Muliaman said.

Meanwhile, Director of OJK Fintech Licensing and Supervision Regulation Hendrikus Passagi revealed, as one of the local fintech services, Investree has track record good in terms of digital financial innovation. It is hoped that in the future, Investree sharia can provide a large portion and is not inferior to other conventional financing services.

"I see Investree with its plans and innovations being able to move us from the OJK to the Ministry of Finance (Kemenkeu) to issue the latest regulations, ranging from developing a system for selling Government Securities (SBN) for online retail investors to sharia fintech," said Hendrikus.

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