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Facebook Search Continues to Grow

The appearance of a wider search column some time ago coincided with Facebook homepage changes Overall, it turned out to be fruitful. As written by GigaOM, changes in the size and location of the search column contributed to the growth of search via Facebook.

Ram yesterday posting articles about real time search and its relationship with social search. Changes and news about the movement of Facebook have also been written on DailySocial.

The data reported by GigaOM comes from data releases issued by ComScore, from the data for February compared to January, it turns out that only Facebook experienced growth for expanded search queries, Google and other search engines did not grow.

This news, as written GigaOM will provide a positive indication not only for Facebook but also for Bing, which provides web search results for Facebook. Meanwhile, I am becoming more and more curious, are people now starting to enter keywords to search for something through social networks? And start leaving search engines, especially for more personal keywords that can be obtained from friends' opinions.

Although the search results via Facebook are still very far compared to Google, for example, this growth can be very interesting, because if Google is usually compared to Apple, now Google is also often compared to Apple. Facebook which until now has not yet conducted an IPO, one of which is because it does not need funds, meaning that Facebook still has enough funds to develop and can still compete with Google.

Will this trend continue to grow? I think yes, although the search power on social networks is still small but the number of users is very wide, when they can ask their friends, maybe even those who don't know but want to help, and get the answers they want, then something like this which can shift the pattern of user behavior in treating social networks.

What about your opinion, don't forget to share your comments.

The screenshot is taken from ComScore and you can see the full result from ComScore herei.

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