1. Startups

Prixa Presents an Integrated Health Management Platform Based on "Artificial Intelligence"

Partnering with Alfamart and DAV for the deployment of smart interactive devices in the health sector

The low adoption of technology in the healthcare sector is one of the reasons why Prixa was founded. Officially launched this year, the company is trying to implement technology, such as artificial intelligence (AI) and natural language processing (NLP), to improve public health services in the form of an AI-based integrated health management platform.

To DailySocial, CEO James Roring said, the health sector has not experienced much technological disruption, while technological innovation can have a positive impact in providing integrated health management. Based on that reason, James together with one of the leading hospital groups in Indonesia and a leading technology company in the field of NLP collaborated to form Prixa.

"We built this system to provide equitable access to health services. We reorganized the thinking process of doctors in analyzing diseases into a system that utilizes AI and NLP technology to recognize patient complaints in Indonesian."

Not much different from direct consultation with general practitioners, after all personal data is collected and disease complaints are submitted, the platform will carry out a diagnosis to determine the illness. Prixa claims all are under the direct supervision of a doctor, not a conversational robot or chatbot.

"At Prixa we believe that technology will never replace doctors, no matter how advanced they are, because there will always be a need for direct, face-to-face interaction between doctors and patients," said James.

Unlocking partnerships and monetization strategies

Prixa CEO James Roring at the signing of a partnership with Alfamart and DAV

To expand its services and technology, Prixa inaugurated a strategic collaboration through the signing of a memorandum of agreement with Alfamart and Digital Avatar (DAV), the company media placements outdoor offering media placements bidirectional multifunction.

The collaboration of these three companies is in the form of access to health services through an AI-based precise health check system, which is one of the pillars of the Prixa integrated health management platform, on DAV smart interactive devices spread across various Alfamart outlets in Indonesia. Next year Prixa hopes that its AI-based precise health check system can be available at 10.000 Alfamart outlets throughout Indonesia.

"Prixa is delighted to be partnering with Alfamart and DAV and this step is believed to be a significant part of helping to close the gap by providing equitable access to healthcare through the Prixa AI-based precise health check-up system. Our system reimagines the expertise and experience of a team of doctors from various disciplines. medicine and compile all those valuable skills into a unified and measurable system,” said James.

Currently Prixa has around 2000 people accessing an AI-based precise health check system. When asked about the monetization strategy being launched, James emphasized that for now, Prixa's focus is still on providing equitable access to health services. The company also has plans to raise funds in the near future.

"Focus on the development of an AI Prixa-based precise health check system feature, in line with our goal of providing equitable access to health services. Currently we can only access it through situsHowever, it is possible that the Prixa AI-based precise health check system will be accessible in the application in the future," concluded James.

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