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Claims to Experience Customer Growth, Tanamduit Launches "My Gold Collection" Feature

Already has 230 thousand customers as of March 2020

To date, the number of customers who do KYC (Know Your Customer) on the Tanamduit platform has grown by 31% to 230 thousand customers on May 26, 2020 from 175 thousand customers in December 2019.

The surge in customer investment interest since mid-May 2020 was also formed due to the momentum of cheap stock market valuations which have been depressed since the Covid-19 pandemic spread and was declared a global pandemic by the World Health Organization (WHO) in early March.

Sebagai wealth management platform, Tanamduit offers investment instruments such as mutual funds, Government Securities (SBN), and bonds. Tanamduit also offers self-protection with insurance products available in the application, including protection from diseases caused as a result of being infected the current Covid-19 virus

At the end of 2019, in collaboration with Premiro, a digital insurance broker and registered with the OJK, Tanamduit launched insurance products in the application. The insurance platform offered has a wide range of products, targeting the millennial market share.

Launch My Gold Collection feature

Aiming to complement investment products, Tanamduit launched the latest feature My Gold Collection. This new feature is here to buy, store and sell physical gold instantly online. Through the Gold Collection feature, customers can buy physical gold starting from 0,1 gram in size, anytime easily, customized and flexible.

To DailySocial Founder & Chairman of Tanamduit, Indra Suryawan said, with the launch of this feature, it is hoped that it can introduce gold products better to target users. Tanamduit also has a target that this new feature can increase the number of users while providing education about investment awareness and various investment products at Tanamduit.

"My gold collection is a gold investment innovation that makes it more fun with an attractive card design. So customers can more easily sell, buy, print and store gold only from the application," said Indra.

To maximize service and convenienceTanamduit in collaboration with Masduit subsidiary and sole distributor of PT Hartadinata Abadi which is a company engaged in the gold manufacturing and trading.

More Coverage:

While ufor make it easy for customers Gold that has been printed can be resold at a price buyback competitive and transparent in more than 20 gold shop/jewellery that cooperate with Tanamduit or like gold at the gold shop on generally. 

As for purchasing gold, customers can use the existing balance in Gopay, LinkAja, Dana, and Shopeepay electronic money. Apart from being part of a lifestyle, with the current PSBB rules, Tanamduit claims that buying gold online can be more effective for customers.

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