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Phone Facility From Google in Gmail

Google announced that now Gmail users can make calls and receive calls via Gmail. As Google explained via blog they, phone calls to the US and Canada are free, for at least the next year. As for other countries, tariffs will be imposed, but the rates set are quite cheap, at least in the range of under the lowest price is $0,02 per minute.

Gmail users simply download Voice - Video Plug-ins and if this phone call feature does not appear, you may be using a language other than English for your Gmail account, change this language first then refresh. To make a call, it's quite easy, click the 'Call Phones' link in the 'Chat' column of your Gmail account, type in the phone number or enter the name of the contact you want to call.

If you have a phone number on Google Voice, a phone call from gmail will show this number from Google Voice as the user's phone number, and you can also receive calls in Gmail with this number, unfortunately the phone number for Google Voice is currently only available to US users.

I tried to make a phone call to my GSM number, because I don't have a phone number on Google Voice, the phone number that appears on my cellphone screen starts with the number +62878, unfortunately when the phone is picked up, the call immediately dies without any information except information ' ended the voice chat' on my Gmail account.

Google himself explained that for international calls, the user had to add 'credit' before making a phone call, and the applicable rate will use the Google Voice call rate. How to add 'credit' can be done by clicking on the phone rate link click 'Add Credit', this 'credit' purchase will use the Google Checkout service, but unfortunately when I tried it the link to add 'credit' on the Google Chat page didn't work.

Have any of the DailySocial readers used this phone call facility using Gmail? If so, let's share your experience in the comments column.

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